Do smelling salts really work if someone faints?!

Question: And where do you get them? Shouldn't they be readily available?

Answers: And where do you get them? Shouldn't they be readily available?

Yes they work. It's not really "salts" at all, but concentrated ammonia crystals that once hit the air turn to full ammonia and take the roof of your nose off when you smell it.

Try a sporting goods store, Water and Marine, or any place that sells First Aid kits.


Any pharmacy.

Yes they are, but only to the professionals who really need them on a continual basis.

Yes, they work.

YES..... they really do work, we use them where I work all the time! I'm pretty sure you can buy them at drug stores.

They do work as long as someone has simply "fainted"

However, most people who faint will typically revive in a few moments - you dont really need them - and they are highly toxic

Many druggists have them behind the counter

No, they don't use them anymore at all. You try to arouse the person by asking them if they can hear you and gently shaking them near the shoulder.Non-cardiac syncope is treated acutely by lying down with the legs elevated. Infrequent episodes of non-cardiac syncope usually do not require treatment.
They still sell them but professionals( at least where I am from) do not use them anymore.

They do work, it's more like ammonia ampoules in little glass capsules that you'll find in most first aid kits, go to your local pharmacy or wherever first aid supplies are sold. Check the link below to find some online, or search 'ammonia inhalants first aid' or something like that.

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