I separated my rib and did not see a doctor for 2 months, now I have severe back!

Question: Separated rib/back pain continued...
I have tried yoga, chiropractor, acupuncture,reiki and nothing has helped!!! Any ideas?

Answers: Separated rib/back pain continued...
I have tried yoga, chiropractor, acupuncture,reiki and nothing has helped!!! Any ideas?

When you say you seperated your rib i'm going on the presumption that you dislocated your rib out of your spine?
If this is correct then it is a very common occurrence. I had it happen to me and to be honest even after visiting a physio it took several months of exercising and treating it with caution before the pain eased and quite some time before i had the confidence to lift weights above my head.
I'd reccomend you visit a physio to get some exercises.
Mine were simple exercises like rolling your arm and shoulder around and some gentle stretching.
You may well find that the rib is not actually located correctly in the spine, i put up with this pain for some days before i visited a physio and found out it needed to be re-fitted.
Good luck, i know what the pain is like. It would be six years ago for me and i still feel a twinge every now and then and have to stretch well before sport


Better go ASAP.

Maybe see if the doctors can cure it?

it's time to see a real doctor

Inversion table!

If you haven't gone to the doctor how do you know if you seperated your rib?

And you can't seperate a rib, you can break a rib.


have your doctor order an xray or mri.

try this site it talks about taping it up and taking vitamin C which helps to make new connective tissue and other things!!!!

go to the doctor!

Physical therapy has a wider range of techniques to evaluate and treat your injury than a chiropractor or the other methods you mentioned. It is possible to misalign the joint where the rib meets the vertebrae. This would cause back pain which can be alleviated by moving it back into place. Physical therapists can treat the misalignment and associated muscle strains surrounding it. And better than chiros, they will tell you what exercises to do on your own to maintain painfree health - rather than make you dependent to keep coming back for visits for the rest of your life.

If I understand the question, you DID see a doctor that diagnosed you with a separated rib 2 months after you injured it. Yes, you CAN separate a rib. Yes, it is very painful. Have you tried a licensed massage therapist? You probably have developed muscle spasms around the injured area. A good masseuse can work wonders! If that doesn't help, ask the doctor for pain management medications.

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