Ankle problem, it hurts so bad!?!

Question: Ok so I was playing tennis (4 days ago if it helps), I had a crushing pain when I tried to turn around quickly. it got better but still comes and goes every now and then (usually when I'm walking or sitting in a position that applies pressure to my foot) , I walk a couple of miles a day so the way I have to walk when it hurts is a little embarrassing!
I'm 18 and never had bone or joint problem.

** seeing a doctor for minor injuries is not an option, foreign country! they don't speak languages I understand!

anyway... is there some sort of rotation stuff I can try or drugs? or will it get better over time?

Answers: Ok so I was playing tennis (4 days ago if it helps), I had a crushing pain when I tried to turn around quickly. it got better but still comes and goes every now and then (usually when I'm walking or sitting in a position that applies pressure to my foot) , I walk a couple of miles a day so the way I have to walk when it hurts is a little embarrassing!
I'm 18 and never had bone or joint problem.

** seeing a doctor for minor injuries is not an option, foreign country! they don't speak languages I understand!

anyway... is there some sort of rotation stuff I can try or drugs? or will it get better over time?

Sounds like you sprained your ankle. Use the "RICE" treatment: Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation. See this link for more info:

It usually takes several weeks for the sprain to heal if you don't keep aggravating the injury. You might want to take a break from your daily walks at least for a couple of weeks to give your ankle a chance to heal.

i'd try over the counter painkillers.

I play tennis my self and had many injures especially ankles. By the sound of things its just a minor sprain. It should just get better over time. You could also try some exercises and also rub deep heat at least 2-3 times a day. Good Luck!!!

(Strengthening exercises follow link >>

Read and apply to fix the problem. Drugs will not fix anything and most injuries will not heal completely 80-90% is the best the automatic system will do with out direction from you.

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