Severe strep throat pains?!

Question: Every time I swallow I go through EXTREME pains, I'm on antibiotics, but what else can I do to ease the pain?

Answers: Every time I swallow I go through EXTREME pains, I'm on antibiotics, but what else can I do to ease the pain?

Warm drinks, taking a pain reliever like Advil or Tylenol. ICE CREAM! :) The pain should subside with in two days of taking the antibiotics. If your fever continues after 24 hours of antibiotics, you should contact your doctor.

Ibuprophen, lots of water and time. Maybe one of those throat sprays that numbs your throat. If it doesn't start to get better in a few days, call the doctor again.

Good luck! Feel better!

advil tylenol worked for me

Gargle with hot salt water...a teaspoon in a large glass.

The heat helps the sore throat, and the salt will clean the mucus out.

Tylenol is the safest thing to take while having strep throat. Also, try gurgling with warm slat water.

Chloraceptic or ice chips

gargle with warm salt water every 2 hours

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