How can i stop my heaartburn?!

Question: ok i have heartburn atm.
i seem to get it alot.
but i DO eat alot of spices and etc.
well 1 thing, my science teacher sais that hotsauce,vineger, and everyhting in that family stops heartburn by getting rif od the acid bubbles that are goin up or something. the vineger is completely true. but everytime i eat hotsauce i get major haertburn. so does hotsuace cure it? i tihnk not but id like some answers.
but really off to my main idea, does anyone kno **** to stop heartburn?

Answers: ok i have heartburn atm.
i seem to get it alot.
but i DO eat alot of spices and etc.
well 1 thing, my science teacher sais that hotsauce,vineger, and everyhting in that family stops heartburn by getting rif od the acid bubbles that are goin up or something. the vineger is completely true. but everytime i eat hotsauce i get major haertburn. so does hotsuace cure it? i tihnk not but id like some answers.
but really off to my main idea, does anyone kno **** to stop heartburn?

drink milk. or take an otc remedy like tagamet.

hard to stop onece it starts
there is a perscription drug called nexum
that i hear works

First don't eat hot sauce, stay away from spicy and greasy food. Then take a "pecid ac" half an hour before meals. If that doesn't work, try Prilosec antacid. (OTC)

zantac daily if you are getting it alot. tums for lesser symptoms. vinegar is a short time help, but hurts you in the long run. Avoid spicy foods, acidic foods, caffeine, greasy foods. Sleep on your left side. This allows stomach acid to drain to intestins instead of to esophagus.

get some "tums" or some "pepto bismol" dude.

My mother has extreme problems with heartburn. She uses prilosec otc, and says that it works wonders. It's the best thing on the market (for heartburn).

If you're having severe heartburn...see a doctor. If they write you a prescription for prilosec, it will be the same stuff you get over the counter, just covered by insurance.

Hope this helps.

The sleep on the left side only helps slightly I take Prilosec OTC and it is a God send some nights. May also want to try sleeping propped up a little bit on your back and definitely don't sleep on you right side.

ant acid tablets, carbinated water/drinks (seems to work for me), I wouldn't think hot sauce would help (I've had heart burn after eating Mexican and I love hot sauce)

take apple sinder vinegar, wild honey,
avoid caffine ,coke, red meat, gas drinks

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