Warm or cold pad for muscular pain?!

Question: If my back is hurting, should I use a cold or warm pad?
When should we use each one?


Answers: If my back is hurting, should I use a cold or warm pad?
When should we use each one?


Warm or cold??? Depends. If you just hurt this muscle, then go with cold. Becareful not to apply too much cold: might get cold tissue injury (like frost bite). If it;s a muscle you hurt some time ago, then go with warm aopplications as a heating pad or a moist warm conpress you warmed for a minute in the microwave. Again, becareful that it's not too hurt or you'll get a skin burn. Cold helps by to causing the pain receptors to slow down their nerve transmission of pain messages to the neuro system. So cold helps the injury feel better by shutting down the sensitivity. But if it's an injured muscle, applying heat dialates the blood vessels and moves rebuilding nutrients into the tissue as well as bringing additional fluids which help the muscle to feel better: (as the fluids increase -the muscle is soothed in the warmed fluids that surround the sore muscle. Some antiinflammatory meds and an increased fluid intake level aid in muscle repair. Hope this was helpful. Take care. Dr Steve

Warm pad

If it has to do with your muscles you should alternate hot and cold.

Warm =]

definitely warm!


I'm Pretty Sure Heat Brings Out Most Of The Pain && Soreness.

I'd Probably Try The Heating Pad.

Good Luck!!!!



warm pads relieve pain
cold ones are just uncomfortable

The chiro says to put ice on it!

Alternate -- ice pack and heating pad.

Take some ibuprofen and rest!

both. it really kinda depends on where it is. if you use one it could potentially not help cure it all the way... cold then hot...

is the pain in your peniis

Both, rotate


warm-muscular pai

cold-soar bruises

Cold at first (first 24-48 hours) and then heat after that.

Heat for muscular strain or everyday aches.

Cold if there is swelling due to a traumatic injury

rule, ice right after an accident, then warmth from then on

YOU can NEVER EVER go wrong with COLD

Heat can do damage if you have sustained an injury.

i prefer warm pad , but my hubby prefer cold patch.. really chilled one.

i feel better in warm ones..


warm, thats why the creams you use for muscle aches have a heating agent in them.

BOTH, warm for a few minutes (not more then 20) then switch to cold.. Ever hear of the brand name Icy/Hot..

Warm might feel best but just cuz it feels great, doesnt mean its good 4 ya..

use a cold one for when you first pull a muscle - when there is swelling and immediate respose, use a hot one for aches and pains; so hot one

Use tiger balm. it works the best! you can get it at Walgreens. get the clear .. the orange one can stain.


warm is for old muscle injuries.
cold is for new ones.

i always use a warm heating pad for my back! try it and see! it helps my back. hope the pain gets better!

Generally, if it is an acte injury (caused by a sudden activity like lifting or falling and your back goes into spasms, sprained ankle, torn muscle) then you want to restrict blood flow to the area to prevent swelling. Therefore you need to use a cold pack (ice).

If you have a chronic back problem that is constant or intermittent over a long period of time, then you want to relieve the stiffness in the muscles, therefore you need a warm pack.

Keep in mind that an acute injury can turn into a chronic injury if not treated (ie a fall that causes acute pain can lead to longer term problems...) so get it looked at either way.

Low impact strengthening activities such as swimming, yoga and Pilates can be really good for alleviating and preventing chronic pain, but really if it continues, you should see a professional, to rule out a treatable condition.

my sister goes to a chiropratic doctor and he told her that putting heat on muscle pain is horrible for you you need to get a ice pack and put on your muscle pain goodluck and remember
heat cold
o o
r d

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