I know this is gross but...?!

Question: i quit smoking 8 days ago and have had constipation ever since any ideas other than laxitives what food can i eat or shall i just have a cigarette and get this over with.

Answers: i quit smoking 8 days ago and have had constipation ever since any ideas other than laxitives what food can i eat or shall i just have a cigarette and get this over with.

Hi,8 days is a long time.I eat loads of oranges.Last year i went nearly 2 weeks with out going.In the end I had to call the doctor out & had to have an enima.If you can go & see your doctor if not call him out.Good Luck

prunes / prune juice

Lots of water.. change takes time.. and **** happens.. lol good luck

apples (and apple products) help you go

Drink coffee. That will act as a laxative and problem solved.

Great you stopped smoking!

Apple juice.

i didnt know that could happen.


pure orange juice helps as well as prunes :-)

Don't go back to smoking!!! Eat beans, or broccoli or cabbage or an apple and things with fiber.....like a salad.

I hear apple juice, and old people drink prune juice, so that may help!!!

If you drink beer......that will help flush your system the next day :-/

No don't go back to smoking. Get yourself some prunes. Your system will settle down in time. Imagine all the money you will save and you will smell so much better.

yukky prunes r good 4 ya and lemon

Strong dark chocolate

Don't smoke. Try prunes or go to a health shop and ask what they would recommend.

No don't have a smoke, get some All Bran and have a nice big bowl, stay close to home !!

NO dont smoke!its gross. drink lots of apple juice x

You could drink a "fiber" drink.
Prune juice
eat apples (healthy and they will surely make you go)
Cucumbers (same)
All of these should help.
Congratulations on quiting (a great step to good health!)!

Orange juice!!!! works a treat :D dont start smoking again thou rather be constipated for 2 weeks than smoke again

fresh fruit and fruit juice prunes are good also fresh veg

Nice one and well done with quitting smoking please keep it up!!!
As for the constipation 'FRUIT' and lots of it also cabbage works wonders....;-}

no, don't start smoking again, cause you will spend the rest of your life trying to quit. Your body needs to adjust. Go buy a box of dried fruit. good luck with both.

its a big shock to ur system don't give up now

Don't smoke... You are off to a good start, so don't give in!

Drink more water...

Prunes are a good natural laxative, but there are other over the counter remedies too... I'd go to a Walgreen's, CVS, Eckerd etc. and ask the pharmacists.

NO NO NO to the cig!

Try eating anything that has fiber in it...Oatmeal is a good one! They also have powders and pills that can help. There is also (if you like yogurt) Activia that helps regulate your digestive system!

Congrats on quitting!! Keep up the great work and I hope things start working out for you (no pun intended!)

increase your fiber intake. fibers are indigestible so they make it softer and easier to pass, however, you should increase the amount you consume gradually so your body can adjust and drink plenty of water as well

Dried Figs

try drinking and eating lots of fruit and drinking fruit juices because they contain lots of fibre. DONT start smoking again its really bad. just make sure you get lots of fibre. you find it in things like fruit and veg.

hope this was helpful! =D

Try High fibre foods like branflakes, wholemeal bread or fruit juices such as orange or pinapple should do the trick xx

dont give in! you'll be fine its just your body getting used to the chemical changes in your system!

dried fruit is good though, peaches, prunes that sort of stuff!

the trouble with laxatives is your just fixing the immediate problem not letting your body get used to its new spangly smoke free self!

Try taking bananas. It helps to clear the system, as well as moving it along. Prune juice also helps as well with constipation. There's some speculation to whether dietry fibre helps, but there's no harm in taking extra veggies to help.

Remember to drink alot of water. Sports drinks will also do, but water is better. It will make your stool softer, and hence easier to pass out.

Its going to take some time for your body to go back to normal.
What I would strongly suggest is a vitamin they sell everywhere called "Colon Cleanse"
Farmers market carries it and walgreens, walmart. Its not a laxative, its something that helps regulate your going...also helps you drop weight since it cleanses your insides, follow directions. Good luck

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