Serious question about smoking cigarettes?!

Question: Okay so I've smoked for about 2 years and became very addicted. I have never really not wanted a cigarette unless I smoked too many. Recently I have been getting very nauseated from smoking and almost have no desire to smoke.
I feel this is the perfect time for me to quit! I have no idea why all of the sudden I'm sick to my stomach when I smoke and its kind of scarying me. I'm 18 soon to be 19. Any ideas?

Answers: Okay so I've smoked for about 2 years and became very addicted. I have never really not wanted a cigarette unless I smoked too many. Recently I have been getting very nauseated from smoking and almost have no desire to smoke.
I feel this is the perfect time for me to quit! I have no idea why all of the sudden I'm sick to my stomach when I smoke and its kind of scarying me. I'm 18 soon to be 19. Any ideas?

Ciggarette smoking cuts off oxygen going to your brain which can cause you to feel light headed or nauseated. You are probably smoking a few to many causing an increase of nicotine going into your body that can make you extremely sick. Try and kick the habit now while your young. It will be so much easier than if you smoke for many years! Good Luck!

Dont think about it....just QUIT!

I don't know why the nausea, but like the first person said, just quit! Take it as your que and run with it! :-)

Well, pregnancy might cause those feelings. Either that or your body has developed an allergy to the nicotine.

Who cares?!?!? Just quit while you can!!!

well i suggest you quit. especially if you are feeling sick afterwards.

i mean i have done it before. but not like a habit or anything.. it is just disgusting. but that is a sign should probably quit.

good luck :)

Maybe a tumor has developed? I'm not doctor, but I'd definitely advise getting checked out. And best of wishes with quiting.

you may be tired of is the perfect time to try it..

stop smoking and see your doctor immediately just to be sure.

I think you should just quit! especially if you feel sick

you should quit

You've been swallowing the smoke instead of inhaling it.

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