Massive pain in my stomach area? Help please, more details in the question ...?!

Question: Hello!
For about 3 hours now I've had really sharp pains in my stomach.
I haven't ate much today besides a small sandwich and a bag of crisps.
The pain is quite tight and constant , and I have to take deep breaths.
Its not my period, nor am I pregnant, so what else could it be?
And I hate doctors, so I'd rather only go if extremely necessary.

Answers: Hello!
For about 3 hours now I've had really sharp pains in my stomach.
I haven't ate much today besides a small sandwich and a bag of crisps.
The pain is quite tight and constant , and I have to take deep breaths.
Its not my period, nor am I pregnant, so what else could it be?
And I hate doctors, so I'd rather only go if extremely necessary.

Stomach ulcers maybe? Could it be food poisoning? I have had food poisoning before and it really hurt just like you said but I agree with the others who have answered your question already that you should go to the ER or call 911 if you aren't feeling better very soon! Most doctors are very nice and caring. There will be times in your life when you need doctors so try not to dislike them so much. I would be dead right now if it wasn't for doctors who treated me because I have had a couple things happen to me that would have been fatal if I hadn't been taken care of by doctors and NURSES as well. Nurses don't always get the credit they deserve! I hope you feel better soon.

Try 2 tablespoons of Pepto Bismal. If after a few hours you are no better. Go to Dr. You probably have stomach virus..

pick up the phone and dial!!

whatever you think of doctors, they are the only people who can help you...and sharp sharp pains in your abdomen could be something serious (e.g. appendicitis, gall bladder problem, etc.)

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