Any new ideas for helping a hangover?!

Question: I KNOW!!!!!! I should avoid drinking a lot, and I should drink water in between alcoholic drinks. But it's already too late for that, and I'm hungover. I'm pretty queasy, tired and have a headache. What can help me feel better (besides water, advil and rest)? My biggest complaint right now is nausea by the way. Thanks!

Answers: I KNOW!!!!!! I should avoid drinking a lot, and I should drink water in between alcoholic drinks. But it's already too late for that, and I'm hungover. I'm pretty queasy, tired and have a headache. What can help me feel better (besides water, advil and rest)? My biggest complaint right now is nausea by the way. Thanks!

Actually, someone suggested Alka-Seltzer to me, and it worked great. Also, drink some Gatorade and make yourself a nice big breakfast. Maybe an omelette with orange juice and toast? I know that helped me big time. Of course, you know to also take some anti-inflammatory pain relievers (such as Ibuprofen).

Get something into your stomach and drink lots of water.


I've never really had a bad hangover, but when I get a small one, I find a spliff usually helps.

Bacon/other greasy foods usually help, too.

hair of the dog ........drink more alcohol

dont drink or stay drunk

A bloody mary with plenty of vodka will do the trick.

You need 2 beers, 1 hot one to make you throw up, get empty, and a cold 1 so you can catch a buzz that you can just ease out of in a couple hours.

Bacon and eggs with a glass of milk always made me feel better. But the best way is to not get one in the first place. You will learn this after a while.

Milk works, and it'll help get your appetite back.

A can of coke, a Xanax, and a banana.

No, no more alcohol! It's time to get some solid dry stuff in your stomach to stop the nausea (like crackers or similar) and I find orange juice better than water in these cases.

back in my bar days, I always knew i'd get a hangover, so I always took tylenol and drank a big glass/bottle of water before bed.

without doing this, i'd have the the worst hangovers in the world.

if i still felt like crap, i'd just sleep it off. It's the only thing that worked for me.

If you're tried, you should rest. There are lots of anti-nausea meds you could take if thats what your biggest problem is and you cant sleep. The over the counter ones are full of sugar and somehow stop you from feeling like throwing up. The Rx ones inhibit your body from throwing up-and you shouldn't take those b/c your body is throwing up booze, which is something you dont want to keep around.

Get a big old nasty, greasy bacon cheeseburger................

That or cold pizza and a warm beer.

Either one.

even though it may seem impossible and like it makes your tummy feel worse, drink water. force it down. drink tea, clear soda, gatorade, juice, anything to rehydrate you. some crackers or plain toast might help settle your stomach so the fluids will go down easier, and maybe a good dose of pepto bismol to start off the whole road to recovery.

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