Help! i cut my hand with glass.?!

Question: I really should've wrote in here yesterday (01/19) but anyways...

I was washing the dishes and cut the top part of my pinky finger with glass. It wasn't too deep, just skimmed the skin off and i could see my pink/white flesh but it was bleeding ALOT. I held it down with tissue. Then my mom put *sugar* to stop the bleeding ( dominicans =\ ). Then i cleaned it off later on with water and after crying for a few mins i built up the courage to put some alcohol on it (with a swab) and then bandaged it. A few hours later i removed the bandage and slept without it to let it breathe (per my mom and boyfriend).

Is there anything else I should do? It was burning last night and today its ok but if I touch it, it gives me a discomfort. Its not bleeding anymore its just a lil redish-pink and i have a bandaid on it again.

Answers: I really should've wrote in here yesterday (01/19) but anyways...

I was washing the dishes and cut the top part of my pinky finger with glass. It wasn't too deep, just skimmed the skin off and i could see my pink/white flesh but it was bleeding ALOT. I held it down with tissue. Then my mom put *sugar* to stop the bleeding ( dominicans =\ ). Then i cleaned it off later on with water and after crying for a few mins i built up the courage to put some alcohol on it (with a swab) and then bandaged it. A few hours later i removed the bandage and slept without it to let it breathe (per my mom and boyfriend).

Is there anything else I should do? It was burning last night and today its ok but if I touch it, it gives me a discomfort. Its not bleeding anymore its just a lil redish-pink and i have a bandaid on it again.

OK -
My first thought was SUGAR??? Why would anyone put sugar on an open wound

NuBody Spa says-
Sugar: Drawing from the wisdom of historically used folk remedies, Nu Body Spa includes brown sugar and raw cane sugar in many of our skin treatments for its reputed antibacterial properties and ability to speed the skin's healing process. These sweet granules also offer excellent exfoliation.

So there is, actually, a basis for using sugar.

But I would probably get some bacatracin or OTC cream and use that.

you need to go to the doctors before it gets infected.

No, there's nothing much else that you can do. Just keep it clean, use polysporin (or any anti-bacterial cream) and a bandaid.

AZUCAR! Get some hydrogen peroxide, you know the thing that makes it bubbly. Don't go to the doctor, just keep it clean and you're good. I get cuts like that all the time don't worry about a thing because every little thing is gonna be alright.

Since you are not bleeding to death at this time...WASH your hands frequently to prevent any infection to finger, pour small amounts of hydrogen peroxide over cut, (not alcohol), rinse off with clean water, pat dry and apply over-the-counter triple antibiotic and cover with bandaid. Signs of infection, redness, pus from cut and redness increasing over finger and it might also hurt/pain, and swelling...if this happens go to MD and get help...antibiotics. However for small cuts, you can help yourself and save $$$. Hope this help! :O)

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