How long should I contend with a pulled muscle before making an appointment with!

Question: I have been hurting for 5 days. I have been using Tiger Balm Pain Patches 3 times daily (the maximum), have been using a heating pad and have had several back rubs from my husband.

Today is the only day I will have the car- do you think I should make a doctor's appointment or would I just be wasting my time and money for the co-pay?

Answers: I have been hurting for 5 days. I have been using Tiger Balm Pain Patches 3 times daily (the maximum), have been using a heating pad and have had several back rubs from my husband.

Today is the only day I will have the car- do you think I should make a doctor's appointment or would I just be wasting my time and money for the co-pay?

It sounds like you have been in pain long enough and tried several things that you thought would help. It is time to see the doctor so that you can start feeling better again.

sounds like you need to go to physical therapy, or an athletic trainer, or jus heed the advice for your doctor since you do not know how to treat this injury. So in that case perhaps YOU should go to the doctor. Also- are you sure it really is a pulled muscle?

acute phase of the injury: ICE, limit range of motion, DO NOT STRETCH OR MASSAGE THE AREA, rest.

Subacute: when you start feeling better you can switch to heat and and lighly massage the area. you can also start with basic range of motion excersises and LIGHT COMFORTABLE stretches.

Then, in order to be sure the injury does not come back you must support the area with a brace or ice wrap, and strengthen, stretch, and strengthen!!

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