Swollen throat?!

Question: my throat is swollen, as in, it hurts to swallow. is there anything i can do to reduce it?

help out a poor lad. i've got to be well for christmas. =/

Answers: my throat is swollen, as in, it hurts to swallow. is there anything i can do to reduce it?

help out a poor lad. i've got to be well for christmas. =/

Try taking some tylenol or ibuprofen to help with the pain, gargle with salt water (1/4 tsp. salt in 1 cup warm water) at least a few times a day, go to your local health food store and get some slippery elm lozenges. Eat soft foods, freezer pops, ice cream, etc...Take a decongestant (sudafed) if you have any post nasal drip which is irritating your throat.

Get a flashlight, say "ahhhhhh" and check the back of your throat in the mirror - if you see any white patches then get to a clinic in the morning to see if you have strep throat and need antiobiotics.

Good luck and have a happy Christmas.

Try sucking on a halls with some hot tea.If that dont work drink water to keep you mouth from being dry.Eat some soup.But if it gets worser go to the doctor.

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