Do asian people age slower?!

Question: for example theres a white person and asian person that are 50 years old. the asian persons body looks 25 on the outside, has as much energy as someone 25 and internal organs like lungs intestines etc function like a 25 year old. when people look young on the outside does that mean their body functions like someone at age 25?

Answers: for example theres a white person and asian person that are 50 years old. the asian persons body looks 25 on the outside, has as much energy as someone 25 and internal organs like lungs intestines etc function like a 25 year old. when people look young on the outside does that mean their body functions like someone at age 25?

their body don't function at 25

In all humans, you just need to have good genes!

no, and asians dont age slower eather, your thinking of asians with good genes, lol.

your thinking of healthy people, and healthy people are healthy.

Nope, we all age the same :) The original difference was the diets of people from different cultures as well as the level of physical activity. Both combined to give a lot of asian a more youthful look.

Their diets are much healthier ; lots of rice, seafood and vegetables.

no but they eat and smoke less then us making them to appear younger?

Stereotypical Asians eat healthier and consume healthier products for there body (teas and herbs) Also their form of exercising with martial arts and meditation is far different from the Westerns version of football and basketball where you keep injuring your body.

Nope, on the average Caucasians age faster. People with fair skin complexion will generally age faster. It has to do with the amount of melanin in the skin.

i have never heard of such a thing but i believe they would cause they tend to take care of themselves better than any other race of religion or whatever they call it. you know they eat that type of food thats steamed and they stay eating healthy so i guess you can say they age slower. the majority of asians have such pretty smooth skin cause they watch what they eat and all their veggies are steamed. you are what you eat and thats no lie

Asians do not age slower; it is merely a physical misconception. You see, in the east, you have no time to dawdle around watching television and things like that, because in order to be able to feed yourself and live comfortably, you have to have a good job. The mindset is different there. Here, everyone who don't do good in school or are dropouts probably depend on McDonald's, WalMart, the government, etc. They stay home and live the couch potato life.

Asians also eat seafood alot. Fresh seafood only. Americans tend to go for chicken, beef, turkey, that kind of stuff. Seafood is leaner (some).

Now for physical appearance. Have you noticed that a common thing here in the US is a tan? Well, in the east, being black is a BAD thing, so people tend to bring umbrellas with them while strolling or going outside. At the least a hat. Here in America, people literally lay in the sun for hours on end. This destroys skin cells and increases wrinkles and the such. (and possible cancer)

I hope this was sufficient.

It is in what they eat. Asian diet is full of vegetables and fruits and fish. Meat is not an everyday fair in Asian food. Also, Asians don't drink as much alcohol as Westerners. They drink tea. This can be traced back in history where in order to sterilize water, Asians boil water and add leaves for taste. Westerners ferment fruits with water to sterlize their drink.
Another factor in looking youthful is exercise. Asians, being rice eaters are primarily farmers or fishermen. Their bodies are used to hardwork so they are more agile and flexible than westerners who work white collar jobs in offices.
As regards to looks, the skin is the first thing one notices in reference to aging. White skin age faster because of lack of or minimal amounts of melanin. Asians, brown or yellow skins, have more melanin that protects the skin from the sun.

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