Computer makes me dizzy?!

Question: This happened to me a few years ago when I had my old computer. Now the same thing is happening with my laptop. All of a sudden when I am looking at the screen, my head will start swimming and I will feel really dizzy. Could my computer screen be causing this? The computer doesn't appear to be having any problems.

Answers: This happened to me a few years ago when I had my old computer. Now the same thing is happening with my laptop. All of a sudden when I am looking at the screen, my head will start swimming and I will feel really dizzy. Could my computer screen be causing this? The computer doesn't appear to be having any problems.

I think you need to take breaks while using your laptop because it puts strain on your eyes which causes them to send messages to ur brain which makes you dizzy so just use your laptop but get some rest and maybe it will be better by morning

oooo u might need glasses! i use glasses for the computer all the time cuz i got a serious head ache while using it! and now im god as new! she ur eye doctor!

It matters how long you stay on. If you stay on to long it can cause headaches and back pains, so it matters on the time your on it. Usaly if your tired and go on for a while, it happends

I think its b/c you stay on the computer too much. Stay on the computer for about 30 minutes if you want to go online everyday.

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