Really bad headaches?!

Question: i know i should see a doctor. but i cant afford to until after the holidays. i have no prescription coverage to pay for anything they give me right now. i keep getting really bad headaches. especially after i get off work. they get so bad that i have to sleep them off. last night i got one so bad that i was crying. this happens atleast 3 times a week now. is there anything over the counter i can try? is there anything i should be doing or taking? i cant tell what its from. im trying to cut down on caffine, but i havent gone cold turkey yet. i dont think its stress related. i thought it was noise from my job because i work in a machine shop, but the one last night was late in the afternoon and i was already off work for several hours. any advice to get my by until i can go to the doctor?

Answers: i know i should see a doctor. but i cant afford to until after the holidays. i have no prescription coverage to pay for anything they give me right now. i keep getting really bad headaches. especially after i get off work. they get so bad that i have to sleep them off. last night i got one so bad that i was crying. this happens atleast 3 times a week now. is there anything over the counter i can try? is there anything i should be doing or taking? i cant tell what its from. im trying to cut down on caffine, but i havent gone cold turkey yet. i dont think its stress related. i thought it was noise from my job because i work in a machine shop, but the one last night was late in the afternoon and i was already off work for several hours. any advice to get my by until i can go to the doctor?

You can try regular medication, such as tylenol. However, I'd recommend trying two things. The first, is breathing. Breathe in through your nose, hold for 10, and exhale through your mouth - this will control your bodily functions and ensure that a good amount of oxygen is getting to your brain. Next, water. One of the critical causes of headaches is dehydration. When experiencing a headache (and throughout the day) ensure that you are drinking plenty (as in, lots) of water.

Dr. James Jeah MD

Take a cold can of soda from the fridge and put it right in the center of your forehead. Rub it under your eyebrows (on the eyelids). It works wonders.

you just need to try and stay relaxed and get as much sleep as you can and take paracetamols also forhead is a very good product to use but is cost

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