How can u hide cuts (slits on wrist) from parents etc without looking suss? :(?!

Question: i just slit my wrists after a few months of not doing it... and the last thing my mom needs arm is mmore worrie when things are just going right (for her) ... there the deepest i have ever done and the only long sleeved thing i have is my hoodie and its going into summer... i dont want to explain WHY i did it, its too long story... i just need a way to hide them, please!!

Answers: i just slit my wrists after a few months of not doing it... and the last thing my mom needs arm is mmore worrie when things are just going right (for her) ... there the deepest i have ever done and the only long sleeved thing i have is my hoodie and its going into summer... i dont want to explain WHY i did it, its too long story... i just need a way to hide them, please!!

long gloves... cut off the finger tips to look punk... I have a pair of black and grey striped knit gloves like this... but back when that was a problem for me, I used scarves wrapped around my wrists... and ace bandages underneath... it was pretty, and the ace bandages kept the scarves from slipping... not to mention, keeping the bleeding from getting on the scarves...

Oh... or you can take some leggings, cut them off, cut thumb holes, and make sleeves... get some cute ones with skulls...

But with these, you can wear tank tops, and not have to worry about your scars showing.

If you are slitting your wrists you shouldn't hide it. You need help to stop doing that now before it gets worse.

you should probably stop.. that's the best way of hiding them

try wearing wide bracelets

why are you trying to kill need mental help!!

I Can Understand Why You Want To Hide Them And Using Bangles Or Bracelets Etc Will Probably Help.
Please Promise Me You Will Talk To Someone Though?
I Know It Isn't Always Easy But Have You Considered Talking To Someone At The Salvation Army? They Are There To Listen And Not To Judge, They Can Offer Advice Or Just Be Someone You Can Talk To.
I Hope You Can Have A Happy Christmas And That The New Year Brings Changes In Your Life That Are Good.
God Bless You.

one of those thick bands made of the same material head bands are made of. Athletes ware them all the time on their wrists. Micheal Jordan is waring one on the photo the link below leads to. Find a tight one that will fit around you wrist.

try putting some make-up to match the color of your skin so that your marks will be hidden...


I know what you're feeling, as I started cutting 7yrs ago. I have largely stopped, but occasionally you find yourself slipping back. I think you need to work hard to see what's good in your life, and appreciate what you DO have. Your mother, I can imagine, is very worried about you. Try to be honest with her and talk about what's going on.

If you have to cover it up though, I used to use a 'Tubigrip'. It's an elasticated material wrist support typically used for strains. I used to wear it when I cut, and it gives you a week or so for the wound to heal before people ask questions, since they all think you strained your wrist. Just make sure you don't go around lifting heavy boxes while you're wearing it, otherwise people will get suspicious.

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