Why did I burst out crying in the middle of class?!


Why did I burst out crying in the middle of class?

I was in my conventions management class..and we got into the topic of death at an event. My professor told us that it had happened to him. we asked for details.. and although he was hesitant at fist, he spoke....He had a Jewish Wedding, I don't know what it is called but it is a ritual when the bride and groom are sitting on a chair.. and they are lift up. And then it happened. Someone lost balnace, and the chair tipped over. The groom fell, and hit his head and cracked his head open. Freak accident. The paramedics got there and had to yank his father away from his body. As a doctor, he was trying to save him. And there was the bride. Dress full of blood. Holding her husband of 10 minutes. A year later...the bride came back and sat in the room with my prof...to get closure. . He saw her 11 yrs later, on the street and they both hugged,sobbed and walked away . I am obsessing about it. Why am I soo upset?Nobody else in my class is. Sad.. but not thinking much of it. What is wrong?

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4 weeks ago
The title is just to get your attention... I didnt cry in the middle of class.. i cried afterward when telling the stort to my cousin and boyfriend. I'm the teachers pet... I don't need any more attention. And there are only 6 people in th class.. and 24 people in my school. We get all the attention we need. So It was not for attention. But thanks!


You have a bit of OCD and Anxiety. Everyone felt sympathetic towards this, but you are a lot more sensitive and are finding it harder to let go. Also, the fact that it bothers you is what's keeping the images replaying in your mind. Don't worry... I've been there a million times and so have a million other people. ♥

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