How can i lose 45 pounds before school starts august 14?!


How can i lose 45 pounds before school starts august 14?

I am trying to lose 45 pounds within a few weeks....more specific 6 weeks.......i am starting high school and really would like to lose the weigh........certain area's i would love to lose the my stomach,my arms,thighs,and at the bottom of my i would really love to thank you if you can help me an also if you know how to get rid of stretch marks because they don't look good on your i will thank you if you are able to help me!!!!!


really, even if you can lose that much weight in so short of a time, it will not be permanent. I can totally understand wanting to lose all that weight before school, but you should have started working on that 4 months ago.

First off, always remember this: you don't gain the weight overnight and you won't lose it (without compromising your overall health) overnight. It takes constant work and it's a gradual process. Generally, you should strive to only lose about 2 pounds a week in order to keep off the weight, and since you want to lose 45 pounds, that will take roughly 22 weeks or 6 months, right around there. Don't get discouraged though! Remember, if you take your time to lose the weight and adopt a healthy lifestyle, you'll have a better chance at KEEPING IT OFF in the long run.

To start off with, keep a journal for this next week and write down EVERYTHING you eat and drink, right down to each stick of gum you chew (which has calories). This is not about counting calories (although you can if you want), it's about realizing how much you really do eat and deciding what foods you want to cut back on. Notice, I did not say "cut out," I said "cut back." My own experiences show that when you deprive yourself of a food (like chocolate for me), you're setting yourself of a binge attack and blowing all your efforts. Also in your journal, record any exercise you are doing. Remember: if you cheat in the journal, you are only cheating yourself, so be honest about EVERYthing you eat, drink and all your exercise.

Once you see what you actually eat and how much/little exercise you are doing, come up with a plan of action. Look at the processed carbs you are eating (chips, cookies, etc.) and see if you can replace them with whole foods, fruits, or veggies. If you really want to keep eating it, work on cutting them back, and also look at similar alternatives such as baked ruffles instead of regular ruffles, "smart pop" popcorn instead of regular popcorn, etc. Also look at how you can start exercising more. Everyone is different and some people respond more to exercise than eating right and others respond more to eating than exercise. I'm on of those who needs to exercise because it doesn't matter how healthy I eat, I won't lose weight until I go exercise.

Look at different types of exercise. If you can't go to a gym or don't have any exercise equipment at home, try going for a walk. Start out slow and gradually increase the amount and speed of your walking.

Hope these tips can help you get started, feel free to email me if you have any questions

Others mentioned not skipping meals and that is so true! You cannot skip meals when you are trying to lose weight. It does seem backwards, but when you skip a meal, instead of your body saying "what? no lunch? Ok, time to burn up some of that fat we've been storing" your body will say "what? no lunch? Uh oh, she might starve! we have to work hard to conserve what fat we have." In other words, you won't lose weight by skipping a meal, it will backfire. It also throws your blood sugar levels off and creates problems that way.

Also, don't go by the weight on your scale, but rather go on how your clothes fit and how you feel overall. A lot of people who start exercising to lose weight get discouraged when they aren't losing any weight, but they are getting smaller. Muscle weighs more than fat, so as you start exercising , your body loses fat, but replaces that with lean muscle mass, so you get thinner and firmer, yet not a drastic difference on the scale you may be looking for.

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