How can I stop anxiety attacks from happening in the middle of the night?!

Question: How can I stop anxiety attacks from happening in the middle of the night?
I guess I'm somewhat prone to anxiety but it started having trouble with it this past year since I've had some trouble with asthma, which makes me fearful. However, the case is very mild.

But lately I wake up nearly every night and either have a panic attack or wake up feeling panicky out of the blue. Sometimes I worry about not feeling like I can get a deep breath (I feel like this a lot during the day). I'm usually up for a bit, sometimes 1 1/2 hrs, cuz I have to feel calm again to sleep.

I have been a little bit stressed about life, but my job isn't stressful and my life is pretty cushy - more just about deep life questions. I need to find a way to feel more calm during the day I think cuz I often feel irriated and my mind is overactive, I think too much.

What's the best way to stop this from happening, as quickly as possible? I am just getting kind of sick of it interrupting my sleep and getting kind of mad about it! I am a 31 year old, pretty healthy female, aside from slight asthma and allergies/eczema, and I have a relatively healthy diet, don't smoke or do drugs, drink in moderation. I also have mild mitral value prolapse which can cause anxiety.

Thank you.


Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

yea, this is weird because over the day your pineal gland fills up with dmt and at night when you are going to sleep it releases thoughts, some negative some positive some happy some depressing and so on.
So my conclusion and I am in noway a professional but your gland is releasing negative thoughts giving you anxiety attacks, because they all snow ball at once. To have a healthy pineal gland eat healthy and stay away from fluoride products and also try to meditate to some mantra music it heals the mind, I hope you get better soon:). Also do not go to a doctor it is not necessary all he will do is prescribe you with pharmaceutical drugs that damage your body rapidly and give you withdrawal symptoms, honestly add me and we can talk.

Been through alot of ****... Add me

Just stop letting YOUR imagination dictate YOUR thoughts. In the night we are all alone so our minds take us to strange places. Acknowledge that but establish control. Don't live in the past or future. Stay focused on your next breath. The present. After all, thats the only thing that matters.

Try having SEVER anixety even to the point you have them in your dreams! I AM 14 and it sucks! Welcome to MY world!

Anxiety attacks are more of a medical issue than just nervousness. you need to avoid sugar caffine & honey b4 bedtime. drink a glass of water to ease congestion. make sure you have eaten well & sleep with a wedge to gently recline the head in a room with heat not up too high as overly warm air aggrevates asthma & like conditions as well as too cold will. b4 going 2 sleep, breathe as deeply as you can slowly for several breaths to expand & exercise your lungs. doing. your dr can give you a device that you breathe into that lets you know if you are doing it properly. i would also ask about an inhaler attachment that traps the medicine & releases it to assure proper dosing. studies show most people who know well how 2 use their inhaler make mistakes during an attack. i was fortunate 2 be treated by a dr who has asthma himself & his advice helped me greatly, avoiding numerous er trips. sweet dreams!

"I had suffered generalized anxiety for more than two years and I can tell you that Charles' Linden Method helped me when I thought nothing could help me. I took medications like Valium, Zoloft, Lexotan, Xanax which had no effect over my anxiety, except making me feel very dizzy every day. Now it has been one year since I gave up the medication and I feel OK again."

You need to see a doctor to treat this correctly. From your description, I'm guessing you could have sleep apnea because of your allergies. Sleep apnea is a condition where you stop breathing while asleep, either because of a neurological problem or because of airway obstruction. Lack of oxygen forces you to wake up in a panic because your brain has noticed you're running out of oxygen. Chronic sleep disturbance can have lots of negative health effects.

Diagnosis of sleep apnea requires a sleep study, which your doctor can arrange for you. Feeling breathless during the day can also be a symptom of asthma. You may benefit from a rescue inhaler or overall treatment for your asthma and allergies. These are recognized medical conditions, treatment is covered by most health plans.

My son has asthma, possible sleep apnea and anxiety disorder.

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