My anxiety is getting out of hand, Chronic fatigue getting worse. Please help?!

Question: My anxiety is getting out of hand, Chronic fatigue getting worse. Please help?
Trying different meds but having a hard time giving good effort trail. Side effects and fear of meds hold me back. I need help. Ativan does ok but take seldom. Doctor is trying me on Klonopin buy I feel more tired then that bad fatigue i already suffer. I want to feel calm and quit with my constant worrying. I also have fibro and frustrated because can't get help with that either. I feel CFS and fibro is a waste basket diagnosis and they are missing something.


Wow I have gone through such a similar situation. I felt the exact same way for the longest time (being diagnosed with cfs myself and my attitude towards it), and was prescribed ativan which also is a benzodiazepine. Benzos, in low doses, can help some people with cfs but too much will make the fatigue worse. Needless to say, do not get hooked on it, and do not take it daily! I was prescribed it daily and had serious issues with the medication (sensitive to meds) but was encouraged to keep taking it until I finally had enough and then deceided to endure the withdrawal. Benzo withdrawal has been compared to heroin withdrawal so if you decide to stop, LET YOUR DR. TAMPER YOU OFF.

CFS can at times feel like a wastebasket illness, especially if your doctor is not a competent cfs doctor. I highly recommend that you go to a Chronic Fatigue Treatment Center. I don't know your individual manifestation of symptoms but if you have dysautonomia with your CFS, try going to a clinic that have specialists in that area.

I can COMPLETELY understand your frustration. CFS is a CRUEL disease and the path to recovery is full of uncertainties. Each persons underlying biological mechanism which causes the CFS is different. Which is why what helps one person, does not help help another. But there are SO MANY treatment options out there that can help, you just need to find a doctor that is committed.

Recently I have tried aricept and that has given me some much needed relief, try talking to your doctor about that. PLEASE, try your best not to dread on the potential side effects of an upcoming medication. Yes, cfs can make you oversensitive to medicine but these medications will not permenantly damage you. Your body has an amazing ability to heal itself. Also, look into yoga for stress. It really helps, and its free to do at home! Good luck with everything and keep your head up.

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