Does this sound like a yeast infection or just irritation?!

Question: Does this sound like a yeast infection or just irritation!?
I have had my period for about 3 weeks now because I started my birth control again (after a 9 month hiatus) and about 2 days ago the bleeding stopped (and spotting) and now I have a lot of irritation and itching no yeasty smell though and no real yeasty discharge (a little bit but not OBVIOUS yeast discharge)!.

I only used tampons in the past 3 weeks so I figured it was probably just my vagina being irritated from that!.

I had unprotected sex a bunch of times with my boyfriend right when I started taking the pill, is pregnancy a possibility!?

Thanks in advance for anyone who answers, and before you even say it, I will see a doctor as soon as I can I'm just looking for relevant advice!Www@Answer-Health@Com

For your questions about pregnancy, if you had a one day start pill you should be protected against pregnancy (but not 100% my sister had twins on it)!. If you are taking the pill for the first time, you need to wait 7 days for the pill to become effective!. Remember, the pill does not protect against STIs!.

The irritation and itching could be due to injury during sex, improper cleaning (not cleansing and rinsing completely), or an infection!. If you want to rule out the first two, clean yourself thoroughly and see if it improves, and wait a few days to see if you begin to heal (that area of your body heals quickly)!. If it is a yeast infection, cranberry juice can help it not eliminate the infection, though it takes a few days!. It makes your urine very acidic so that the bacteria cannot multiply, giving your body a fighting chance against the infection!.

If you try these things, and there is no improvement, make sure you see a doctor!. It could be a whole host of possibilities, and you can't be too careful!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

If you rigidly stick to having unprotected sex within 9 days before and after the beginning of a period you are not going to get pregnant!. If you think you might have an a yeast infection get one of the OTC meds for it!. They are good!. If you don't know which to get ask your pharmacist!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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