Please can somebody help?!

Question: Please can somebody help!?
I'm 13 years old and I don't know if I have normal puberty symptoms or not!.These are some problems I have been having:swollen testicles,bad breath,sweaty palms,nervous twitch,loss of bladder control,extremely painful diarrhea,cold sweats,panic attacks,social anxiety disorder and acne!.Some times the kids laugh at me when my pants fall down and they see my big,dirty bum!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

sounds like a bit too much beer!.!.!.swolen testicles can be fun, bad breath is not!. Sweaty palms nervous twitch and loss of bladder control are symptoms of a first date, while extremely painful pooping is not!. Cold sweats, panic attacks and social anxieties are pretty much normal for a 13 year-old, and so is acne, but having a large soiled buttock area is not normal in places where running water is available!. I wish you luck!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

Aw hunny , these are all very normal and necessary signs of puberty!. I suggest you have a talk with your guidance counsellor or dad about the birds and the bees!. Also take some advil!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Take a bath, wear boxer briefs, dont drink liquids after 7, eat more fiber, and use Clearasil!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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