Long term effects of not getting "enough" sleep? (And ways to remedy?)!

Question: Long term effects of not getting "enough" sleep!? (And ways to remedy!?)!?
Most people seem to recommend at least 8 hours of sleep!. I know a few people that get four to five hours a night, and still get good grades and all!. They seem okay, but I worry for them in the long run!. What can come of not sleeping "enough", what is enough sleep, and what are some ways to remedy insomnia (I know its a little different of a topic)Www@Answer-Health@Com

As for the party personalities there is nothing any of us can do for them!. If you are talking about insomnia there are a lot of causes!. Apnea and depression are two of them!. Apnea is fixable you need to have a sleep study done and to be put on appropriate therapy!. You would be amazed at the difference!. The solution is simple you use a CPAP machine at night and you get the air you need!. Neglecting it can cause high blood pressure and eventually primary pulmonary hypertension and heart failure!. There is no cure for PPH and it is universally fatal so it is better to take care of the problem to start with!.

As for insomnia the treatment depends on why you have it!. If you get to bed on time and should be getting the sleep you need and yet never feeling rested, you need to discuss it with your doctor!. It would be good to have a sleep study!. There is no reason to be sleepless unless you want to!.

Bad bedtime habits are the problem with most people!. The sleep doctors recommend a regular bed time, get to bed within plus or minus 30 minutes!. Some calming behavior in the hour before bedtime reading or meditating, or listening to calming music, no high speed games or exciting tense movies!. A regular time to arise with little variation!. With the routine you set your circadian rhythms so that you body expects exactly that!.

One of the problems with modern life is we try to pack to much into a day!. This is especially true of Americans!. Recently a WHO study found that of the industrialized nations Americans were the most unhappy!. The reason was pretty simple we try to cram to much into the time we have without enjoying what we have and who we are!.

I have apnea, and insomnia from depression!. The apnea is pretty well controlled I love my CPAP machine!. The insomnia is another matter!. I think if I had tried to deal with it sooner, I might have been more successful!. But, it was the denial that I had depression that stopped it!. I would recommend to any one who has sleep problems to be evaluated at a certified sleep center first!. A certified center will have a psychologist, a pulmonologist, and a neurologist on staff and your sleep study will be looked at for abnormalities by all three!.

You can find a certified sleep center in the Sleep Association's site below!. You can also find some really good information at the second site including a book I highly recommend "Phantom Of The Night" a book by :T!. Scott Johnson, M!.D!. and Jerry Halberstadt!. it is written from a patients view by a sleep specialist and a patient!. It provides information about apnea, sleep studies, brain activity during sleep and a lot of other subjects!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Sleep is a restorative process of the body, in which a time when the body produces new cells (erythrocytes, elastin, etc)!. REM sleep is also a part of this time for your body, for your brain to "reset"!. With the increasing demands upon everyone these days in different ways, I think everyone is getting less sleep!. If your body cannot restore itself, than the aging process quickens!. Your motor functions are also impaired because they haven't had a proper rest period!. Some people also need less sleep than others too, can vary upon genetic makeup!.
Situations may vary, as well long term effects!.
Traditional meditation is a good long-term remedy before bedtime!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Well lack of sleep is stress on the body!. And, we all know the long term effects of stress on the body (heart disease, high blood pressure)!. Not to mention the cognitive deficiencies stress causes such as lack of concentration, irritability, accidents, and in severe cases it can lead to delusions and hallucinations as proven by numerous psychological studies and as demonstrated when used as a means of torture!.

The remedy is to sleep!. Some quick remedies for insomnia are over the counter sleeping pills or benadryl (sleeping pills ARE the same as benadryl or diphenhydramine)!. So take two benadryls, lower the temp!. in the place you sleep, and enjoy!Www@Answer-Health@Com

There are notable instances of successful folk who slept very little, though their success may have been linked to their driven state which precluded sleep (Edison slept only an hour or two per day)!. That is, not sleeping reduced them, from an analytical perspective, while simultaneously giving them the time to exceed!. Some people live 24 hours a day!. Most do not!.

For most people, sleep deprivation results in aberrant behavior and confusion!. Are you driven!? If not, you need sleep!.


Everyone is made differently and some require more sleep than others!. However, our bodies are made to sleep!. We recover when we rest!. Our minds are at ease in some ways!. Sleep deprivation is not good!. The mind can go a little crazy and moods swings may occur!. Linden Tree or Tila tea from Spain is a gentle tea that will help!. Along with camomile and other herbal teas that relax!. Exercise will help during the day!. Over the counter herbal sleep remedies are available at the local health food store!. They work wonders for a good night sleep!. Meditation and deep breathing in through the mouth and out through the nose will help relax the body/mind!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

People who don't get enough sleep can't think straight after a while!. It affects their health!. A person looks more aged, get bags under their eyes!. A person can never catch up on the sleep that they have lost!. I know when I go to the beach or lake that water calms me, and I can de-stress!. Stress or depression can cause you not to sleep well!. A good massage can help you to relax!. Listening to calming music can help you relax!. Read a boring book to help you get tired!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I don't know!. But I do know that if some girl, who happens to find you awesome, doesn't want to sleep simply for the fact that she's enjoying your company too much you should really let her stay and not worry about her lack of sleep!. Because I bet she isn't worrying! =p

P!.S!. I heart Chingpow!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

*sigh*, I am 50 yrs old and have had a sleep disorder my entire life!.!. I have a backwards clock, at night I am wide awake, during the day, well, that is my bed time!.!. I was born this way, and it drove my poor mother crazy!.!. I was the youngest of 3 children, so you can imagine what it was like for her !! I had a very hard time in school!.!. and it seemed as if I was the only person with this disability, because that is what it is!.!.!. anyway, now it goes in cycles, I will sleep well for a month and then *bang* here we go again, I am now on my 7th night of no sleep!.!.!. My mind races and well, it ain't to pretty!.!.!.!. but, Praise God my husband is a patient man and LOVES me dearly!.!.!.For the young folk I would recommend this : No stimulates, drinks or food, meaning No colas or even juices, just water about 2 hrs before wanting to go to bed!.!.!.!. No loud or lively music, it also stimulates the brain!.!.!.!. and I know it is hard, but home work needs to be done early, so the brain can start to shut off or down for the night!.!.!.!. Soft music, mood music, such as the ocean , birds, soft singing, anything that is relaxing!.!.!. Lighting is important and so are colors, soft lighting or none, and bed rooms should be NATURAL in color, soft and soothing, as in pastels or muted tones!.!.!.!.!.!. The body has to be re-trained if possible, mine just never took to the training !!! Starting young will pay off and make life a whole lot easier in later years!.!.!.!.!. hope this helps!.!.!.!. go in peace!.!.!. God bless Www@Answer-Health@Com

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