What helps you get over a cold faster?!

Question: What helps you get over a cold faster!?
I heard Vitamin C helps but not really proven yet!. Also, I have heard that drinking cold water isn't good for a cold at all!. I know there isn't a cure but I don't want to take medicine!. All I ever get from medicine is a temporary relief by jugging down NyQuil or other antihistamines!.You guys know any natural or non medicine related way to decrease the severity of a cold or possible make it dormant and make it asymptomatic!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

Contrary to popular belief that vitamin C can cure a common cold scientific research for this is conflicting!. While vitamin C does not cure a common cold it does shorten the duration of the cold!. Therefore orange juice and grape fruit juice are a good choice for breakfast!.

Garlic has powerful anti-viral, antibiotic and anti-fungal properties and boosts the immune system in general!. Echinacea also has a reputation as an immune system booster!. Eat food rich in phytochemicals "Phyto" means plants, and the natural chemicals in plants give the vitamins in food a supercharged boost!. Say good bye to those vitamin pills, and hello to dark green, red, and yellow vegetables and fruits!. Selenium, found in vegetables grown in selenium rich soils, is a another important nutrient which supports the immune system!. It functions by recharging vitamins C and E, and coenzyme Q-10!.

Whole grain breads and cereals are rich in vitamins and minerals, including zinc and vitamin E!. They help with keeping a healthy immune system!. Plain yogurt is excellent for creating good bacteria that help boost your immune system!. A probiotic will fortify your intestinal flora, which are essential for proper digestion and nutrient absorption!. This is key to good health and a strong immune system!. Another key is to stay alkaline!. Reduce the intake of sugar since sugar makes the body acidic and pathogens strive on it!.

Stay Hydrated: It is one of best ways to flush out all those toxins and avoid alcohol!. It destroys the liver (the body's primary filtering system) therefore germs of all kinds won't leave your body as fast!. In addition it also dehydrates the body!. The use of herbal teas can also help alleviate symptoms such as sore throat!. Ginger tea and black tea contain tannins that effective for shrinking the swelling and reducing irritation!. Grandma sure was not kidding about salt water gargling, The salt enhances the anti-inflammatory effect!. These few changes might just reduce the frequency of those awful mornings!.

Consider a good liquid vitamin supplement like Sea Aloe that should improve your resistance to a great degree if you take it on a regular basis!. I know when I feel run down and feel a cold coming on, I double up on the dosage and feel alot better the next day!.

Also good quality rest and sleep each day can reduce the severity of a cold!. Let me know if I can be of more help!

Stu W!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

It helps to take multivitamins regularly!. Not just C, but all of them!. It's harder to get over stuff when you're deficient in something!. Also, if you take C, it should be a significant dose in order to impact a cold!. Most mainstream supplements have such a tiny amount, that it ends up being basically useless!. The RDA for C is super low compared to what most people really need to help their immune system!. Also, if you keep up your vitamins, you'll be less likely to get the cold in the first place!. Since I've been on a multivitamin (about two years), I haven't gotten a cold at all, even though I've been exposed to plenty of them!. I take Airborne if I plan on flying or being in a crowded situation, and again when I get home, and that really helps!. Also, washing hands a lot!. When you're out and about, don't touch your nose, eyes, or mouth -- you may have picked up germs somewhere and could transfer them to your mucous membranes and get sick!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

Water is good for colds because it flushes out the system!. Vitamin C has always helped me, when I get the slightest bit of a cold I make sure to take 2 vitamin c tablets a day and drink A LOT of water!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

Rest, orange juice, and no caffeine! Caffeine can temporarily slow the immune system!Www@Answer-Health@Com

The best medicine is rest and plenty of liquids!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Lots of rest, plenty of liquids, and maybe some chicken soup!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

Buckley's!.!.!.it's the best!Www@Answer-Health@Com

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