Anyone know why I am always so tired? Please help!?!

Question: Anyone know why I am always so tired!? Please help!!?
I don't know what is wrong with me, neither does my doctor!. I had blood work done and it is not anemia, its not low B vitamins, not low potassium!. Not depression, not thyroid problems, not liver or kidney problems!. My blood sugar is fine along with my blood pressure!. I get 8!.5 hours of sleep a night, I eat healthy and I exercise!. I just want some ideas to possibly research before my next doctor visit!. It is really hard to stay awake and concentrate and I always feel like crap!. Help!?!?!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Are you stressed by anything!? Often times stress can cause you to be tired!.

Do you drink enough water!? Try to drink lots of water throughout the day!.

Also, eat bananas or something high in potassium!. This gives you energy!.

Avoid energy drinks and caffeine!!!! These will wake you up for a while, but make you crash in an instant!.

Other than that, I don't know!. Maybe you are getting too much sleep!. Believe it or not some people's bodies do not require as much sleep as they may think!.

They say 8 hours is what every person should get a night, but when I sleep 8 hours or more, I feel tired throughout the entire day!. I have found that 7 hours of sleep is perfect for me!. I get through the day just fine and don't feel the urge to take a nap!!!


You may be a sleepophonic which is not a problem! It can be solved easily! First Sleepophonic means that you are tired too much! So you eat healthy!? Well well well you should eat unhealthy for a little bit each day but not too much!. Do NOT go to bars or smoke!. But you should also maybe not listen to me I am not a doctor but my brain is like a college students!. Good Luck!Www@Answer-Health@Com

I felt the same way too!. I cut out all refined sugar and white bread, it took about a month but I felt much better!.

if you can have an allergy test done!.

Good luck, it's awful being tired all the time!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You alonly feel that way because you are getting older and your body needs more sleep because you are more active then ever!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Hayfever or allergies!. I have allergies and my head always feels heavy- like I am tired and I feel sluggish and unmotivated some days!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Dehydration and under eating are common causes of fatigue!. Most people don't drink enough water!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

could be lupas, the symptons fit, maybe try searching it and see if that could be itWww@Answer-Health@Com

Do you smoke!?
If so than that just may be it!.
My mom has the same problem!.


Get a caaattt scaaannn!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You possibly have low iron!. I've had that issue!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

only 8!.5 hours!? try to get 10 hoursWww@Answer-Health@Com

Maybe you're stressed!. Take a vacayWww@Answer-Health@Com

I heard of a new study they are doing - i don't know all the details - but basicly experts are saying that it's not how many hours of sleep you get, but when you wake up!. Example; people go threw different stages of sleep, I know one stage is called rem sleep!. If you wake up during a certain stage of sleep you will feel tired no matter how many hours of sleep you got!. They are working on an alarm clock you wear on your wrist that you set to go off sometime within a half hour period and it monitors your pulse so that it can wake you up in the right stage of sleep!.

I;m sorry I can't tell you more but I don't even remember where I heard this!. I don't know what kind of doctor you are seeing but I'm sure a sleep specialist would know about this!.

Or maybe sleep apnea or chronic fatigue syndrome!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

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