How long does it take for weed to leave a persons system?!

Question: How long does it take for weed to leave a persons system!?
i dont need to know
my guy friend (the one who liked those pants) has a doc appt mon
and is a regular weed smoker
will he be clean if they take bloodWww@Answer-Health@Com

But on the plus side - if they are not looking for weed, they will not find it!.

Drug tests are specific, and expensive and they do not test for drugs for free!. For example: if he is going for a test to count blood cells, or lipids, they will not find the weed in his system!.

If he is going for a blood test to find drugs, he is toast!.

THC lives in the fatty tissue of a person, so it can be up to 2 months before the THC is out of your system!. Longer depending on how much you smoke, and how much stored fat the person has!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

more then likely not because THC builds up in your fat cells and then slowly releases from the fat cells!.!.!. so more then likely he has alot "seeping" from his fat into his blood!.!.!. so his blood will have it in there when they run the test!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Nope!!! Takes about a month without smoking to completely clean the system!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

One month for a pee, longer for blood!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

drink that juice that is purple!.!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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