Taken Adderall XR before?? weight loss?!

Question: Taken Adderall XR before!?!? weight loss!?
im 17 year old male!. have been on many different add/adhd meds focalin, straterra, ritalin, and the list goes on!. i just started on adderall 10 mg tabs taking a few a day to figure out my dose!. At the doctor on the 17th i weight 185!. i started adderall 30mg XR that day!. i weighed on monday the 27th at the same doctor and weighed in at 175 pounds!. i lost 11 pounds in a little over a week! anyone else have large weight loss like this so fast from the meds!? or what did they do to you did u like them, they help you!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

weight loss is totally normal for adderall users!. i'm 19 and was diagnosed with add my senior year of high school!. at first my doctor put me on adderall xr and within a month i lost 30 pounds at which point i looked grossly skinny because i never ate due to appetite loss from adderall or even had any desire to eat!. so my parents took me to the doctor and i had to be taken off of it!. then the doctor put me on concerta then focalin but now i'm back to adderall but it's the kind that lasts 4 hours rather than 8 like xr!. i still don't really eat when the adderall is kicked in but it helps me A LOT in school!. i used to slack off in school big time, i never studied, never wanted to do hw, etc!. but now the adderall oddly enough motivates me to study and do work, it's crazy considering i'm like the most add person i know haha also i get good grades now, i'm better at test-taking, taking notes, paying attention, and so on!. it helps me sooo much in school!. there are some drawbacks tho just from personal experience: trouble sleeping (dont take adderall too late in the day or you will be up all night), appetite loss, dry mouth, and mood swings!. i definitely think the benefits outweigh the drawbacks though but i hope adderall works well for you =)Www@Answer-Health@Com

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