My friend has started smoking weed. How do I get him to stop?!

Question: My friend has started smoking weed!. How do I get him to stop!?
I've had this friend since maybe eighth grade or so and we used to be closer!. We were never really close close, probably because we just hang out with different people for the most part!. He used to be a really good kid (church, obeyed parents, tried in school) but lately hes been involved with drugs!.

He is a really motivated kid and he goes to the gym a lot to stay fit!. He says he's been going a lot nowadays to keep himself motivated because when he does drugs its really easy for him to just want to sit around and do nothing!.

He's still in all honors classes with me and stuff but I can see where he's starting to struggle a little bit!.

I tried making him think about what he's doing and he realizes its bad but he says its fun and he doesnt smoke "all the time" just "when he's in the mood!." Which is basically when he's with his trash friends that are all involved with drugs, drinking, and sex!.

I'm not really close with him, or as close as i used to be, so i was just wondering if there's anything i could say or do to help him out and make him realize hes hurting himself!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Hey buddy good question!.

Whatever you do please do not listen to that Jordan girl who says weed is not a drug, that is exactly what it is! I never answer questions on this site but I saw this and had to say something!. (How irresponsible to recommend drugs to a young person still in school, much less anyone)

I was in the same position as you (I'm 21 now) back in middle school!. My best friend since I was 5 years old started doing drugs and drinking!. He was a really smart kid and we were best friends but by the time high school rolled around he spent way too much time drinking!. Nowdays we hardly hang out anymore and he has dropped out of school and has a low paying job!. I am in my senior year of college and will soon be graduating!.

Alcohol and drugs control his life and he is often depressed!. It's a never ending cycle!.

Please, keep doing what you think is right and continue to be a good citizen and it will all work out!. If your friend doesn't see the problems he is doing to his own life, it doesn't mean it has to ruin yours!.

Good luck in life man, and I hope you stay clean and live a long happy life!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

weed isnt a drug, the only way it can herm you is if you eat it, let him do what he wants hes a kid too and trust me its prettyt harmless, just make sure he doesnt drive cuz that can be a little riscky with certain people and try not to smother him


Tell him that smoking weed lowers your sex drive and sperm count and shrinks your balls!. It's a true medical fact!. Look it up!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

If he's smoking weed, turn him in!. It's the only way that will get his attention and something done to try to stop it!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Tell him he's starting to have really bad breath!. (Smoking weed causes bad breath!.)Www@Answer-Health@Com

Call the police!. It might wake him up!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

Do not listen to that idiot jordan!. Weed is a terrible drug that really messes up all your reflexes and your ways of thinking!. It has has an effect like norepinephrine that gets into your parasympathetic nerves and just destroys them!.

The sure-fire way to get someone to stop drugs is a good intervention!. Get his family, friends, anyone who is close to him, and just straight up tell him ENOUGH!

That will open up his eyes and really show him that weed not only destroys his life, but the lives around him as well!.

Good luck, and never give up


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