Staying awake in class?!?!?!?!

Question: Staying awake in class!?!!?!!?!!?
i always seem 2 fall asleep in class and i wanna noe what i can eat that will keep me awake during class!. i cant drink Coffee b/c i can sleep at night and i already have difficulties falling asleep at night Www@Answer-Health@Com

it may be more trying NOT to eat one thing or another, it might be an insulin reaction to what your eating that makes you tired, the Insulin your body natuarally produces has a sort of 'shelf life' that is once it has been produced (which is a good thing) it stays in your blood for x ammount of time no matter what you eat or do!.

the problem comes in when a person eats very sugar heavy foods, or heavily processed foods (patato chips etc)!.!.!.those provide a very quick burst of what's known as Glucose, causing your body to create insulin to carry the glucose to your muscles so you can do things (move, breathe etc!.)!.!.!.this is good, until your quick burst of glucose runs out and you've got all this extra insulin running around in your bloodstream, when that happens you often find yourself either tired or hungry or both!. as much as i personally enjoy it sometimes, high sugar cereal for breakfast is about the worst thing you can do as far as attention span and staying awake!.!.!.

no breakfast is the very worst thing you can do, if you break down the word breakfast it's BREAK (or stop) and FAST (as in not eat)!.!.!.overnight when you haven't eaten for a long time your body changes physiology (the way it chemically and physically deals with things) because it hasn't been fed in a while, if you wake up and don't feed your body, your body thinks it's starving to death, and therefore will expend the absolute minimum ammount of energy that it can in whatever task you give it to accomplish!. (most people don't know this but if you are on a diet trying to loose weight, and you eat a decent breakfast you will loose more weight vs!. someone who does everything else the same and skips breakfast)!.

also if you eat foods that are very fatty or greasy, fries, burgers etc!. it takes your body a long time to break that fat down in your stomach, and you'd be supprised how much extra blood the stomach needs when it's working, when the stomach is hogging up all the blood there isn't enough to go around everywhere else (brain included) and you get tired easily!.!.!.the same goes for stuffing yourself, you can eat healthy, but if you eat too much at one time, you'll still have that problem because the stomach is working so hard, hogging up all the blood!.

and lastly you'd think this to be the exact opposite, but the more time you spend doing things that make you breathe heavy (working the body) in the long run the more energy you will have, yes, the first few times you spend a lot of time in your day doing lots of physical activity you may feel more tired, but in the long run you'll have more energy all the time, if you keep up the pattern!.!.!.!.

i hope something in here helps i know it's hard enough to stay awake in class when you are interested, if you get a boring teacher it's even worse, suck it up for now, get good grades and get into a good college, they'll let you pick what you want to study there, and to me that's fun!.!.!.only taking classes that you want to (plus a few they make you, but you can't win them all)!. like i said good luck, and keep up the hard work!.

Big DWww@Answer-Health@Com

I have this same problem (Had it worse in my Government Class, which I can't explain how I got an A in that class) but whatever you do- those 5hour energy shots!? Yea they don't work unless your a strong believer which I think their mind over matter because I still fell asleep in that class!. I usually drink soda but after awhile that wasn't working either, after awhile I just started taking tylenol pm at night so I'd be more awake and focused in the morning, this doesn't work for everyone either, probably because some people can't find 6hours of sleep!. Your not suppose to eat like 4 hours before bedtime someone once told me, I guess this works considering my Marine friend told me and he has to be up at like 5am every morning!. Hope these tips help, I've tried them and still have problems but everyone is different!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

its really hard to stay awake I know I cant seem to stay awake during meetings at work I keep moving in my chair and wiggle my foot and try really hard to pay attention and doodling is a good thing to!.good luck Www@Answer-Health@Com

Will you help me!? Look up how much should i weigh in grade 7!.!.!.!.!.!.!. i need to know soon!.!.!.!. please answer!!! :D

O!.!.!. Eat banana's!.!.!. they give you loads of energy!!!!!!!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

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