Does Marijuana Kill?... Let's draw some comparisons to Alcohol and tobacco&#!

Question: Does Marijuana Kill!?!.!.!. Let's draw some comparisons to Alcohol and tobacco's death toll :)!?
It would really help if you actually had some experience with the drug!. For those who haven't I will remind you to stay on health related topics!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Its almost impossible to overdose on marijuana!. I've never heard of a strictly marijuana overdose!. plus its not dangerous- even when I drive high, I drive much more cautiously than if I wasn't!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

I did a ton of research on Marijuana to convince my fiance to quit smoking and I was surprised to find out how much worse Alcohol and tobacco are for you!. There was a study of Pot use in car accidents, and it was found that in all cases where pot was involved in a deadly car accident alcohol was also involved, the opposite however was not true!. Also other than limiting sperm count and affecting capacity for memory there are very little overtly negative affects of using marijuana especially compared to cigarettes and alcohol!. Even the carcinogens from smoking pot were FAR less than tobacco!. Also unlike nearly every other drug including nicotine, caffeine, and alcohol, THC is not actually physically addictive, only mentally addictive!. Meaning your body does not actually become reliant on it only your mind!. This means that in and of itself Pot IS NOT a gateway drug! The only reason why pot can lead to the use of harder drugs is because it is illegal meaning in order to get it you may find yourself in situations where other drugs are present!. Do not get me wrong I do not advocate using pot, and thankfully I convinced my fiance to quit several years ago, but there are really no evidence that Marijuana is deadly!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

well you probably know it is almost impossible to od from maryjane but not to pass out like i did once after a few hits!. and yeah more people die from alcohol and tobacco than mj!. im thinking if its not now, soon everybody should be aware that the gov!. media and system lies about anything!. get high and watch the 9 11 conspiracy videos on youtube, 5 10 20 50 100 dollar bills contain hidden msgs about truth of this system we live in!. HAHA they are the ones who tell me marijuana is bad for me!. IM PISSED OFF sorry for deviating from the subjectWww@Answer-Health@Com

I did a Speech on the effects of marijuana a few years ago, and as far as I can tell, its healthier than tobacco!. All pot does is kills your memory over an extended period of time, where as tobacco will give you lung cancer and black teeth and all that!. Alcohol messes up your liver and your brain as well, but if you drink socially you'll be ok, like smoking pot!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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