Does sharing razors lead to Aids?!

Question: Does sharing razors lead to Aids!?
i think i accidentally used my sisters razor!. neither of us have aids!. but will this lead to aids!?
i am scared please help!Www@Answer-Health@Com

No as long as your sister doesn't have AIDS or Hepatitis C or a host of other blood borne diseases!. You can't catch aids from someone who doesn't have aids!.

Sharing tooth brushes or razors is a bad idea if one of you is infected with a type of blood borne disease!. These types of infections don't survive very long outside the body so if the razor was unused for a while you could in fact use this razor!. (its due to the fact that you can nick your skin and bleed a little into the razor or if you have bleeding gums on to the toothbrush)!.

I wouldn't worry at all in your case!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

It's highly unlikey!. Even if your sister did have AIDS and she cut herself with the razor the HIV virus cannot live long in open air!. (Less than a few minutes, even though studies have shown that it can survive for up to 11 days in untreated sewage)

Don't worry - your fine!. If you are that scared of contracting AIDS from your sister who doesn't even have it, I hope you take the proper precautions to prevent contacting it from people you don't really know well!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

The only way to get aids is by coming in contact with another persons blood or other body fluids but they have to be already infected!. Also Aids is not an air borne disease so this means that it only lives outside the body for a short amount of time!.
I doubt that you have Aids because that would mean two things your sister has Aids already and you cut yourself with her razor right after your sister did!. So no you don't have Aids but use your own razor its just more sanitary all around!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

Anyone who is infected with AIDs can give it to another person numerous ways!. Yes, sharing razors, needles, becoming blood sisters/brothers!.!.!. even sharing toothbrushes!. And they can also spread it through sexual intercourse!. Some people believe that kissing/touching something that someones spit on can get you infected!.!.!. but it can't!.
Hope I helped! :DWww@Answer-Health@Com

you can get aids if one of you has it, both of you cut yourself and bled, and you didn't clean the razor!. however, if your sister doesn't have aids nor do you!. your fine!. if your sister did and neither one of you cut yourself you would be fine!.
dont worry at allWww@Answer-Health@Com

AIDS is a sexually transmitted disease (STD)!.!.!.
you just don't get it from sharing a razor!.

and none of you have AIDS so why would you be worried!?


If neither of you have aids there's nothing to worry about!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

if eaither of you had aids and blood was on it and you cut yourself maybe but not likely [a rash called razer burn ohhh yes]Www@Answer-Health@Com

I agree w/Candy cane!. Sharing razors isn't a healthy practice!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

if your sister does not have aids, you will not get aidsWww@Answer-Health@Com

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