Why do elderly women fall more often than elderly men?!

Question: Why do elderly women fall more often than elderly men!?
In my nursing class, my instructor told us that statistically, elderly women fall more often than elderly men!. She did not no why this is!.
I tried to research it, with no answers!.
But most articles I read confirm that elderly women do have a higher percentage of falls!.
Does anyone know why this is!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

I believe that men still have a higher percentage of lean muscle mass at that age in comparison with their female counterparts!. It would make it easier for them to carry themselves up and down stairs for example!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I think that the scientific reason for this is that women are living longer than men!. So they are alone!.
They also have more problems with bone loss and osteoporosis!. Once they so fall, they will break something (usually their hips)!. OK then there is a source for a statistic!.
If they didn't break anything the information wouldn't be known, right!? Nobody wants to fall down, they are just trying to stay alive and not bother anyone!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

i think its because men are sitting all the time by that age because they are so tired of listening to us *****!. and women never sit down!. we are always on the go even at that age!. haha idk!. women just have more fragile bones!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

Because older women have a higher rate of Osteoporosis which effects joints and knees and such making it easier to trip or have pain in the knees allowing them to fall!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

There a lot more elderly women than elderly men!. Also ostioporisis is more common in women due to hormone changes than in men!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

It has been speculated that polypharmacy is a cause and that elderly women tend to ingest far more "at risk" drugs than elderly men!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

men are superior!? 'nuf said!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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