I keep having coughing fits in the middle of class...how do I make them stop?!

Question: I keep having coughing fits in the middle of class!.!.!.how do I make them stop!?
At first I thought I might have strep, but every year when I get checked I never have it!.!.!.so is there something going around!?!?!?

Anyways!.!.!.I had 2 coughing fits during class yesterday and it's really embarrassing!
What can I do to make them stop!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

ask your teacher if you can bring a bottle of water to class with you because you are having a hard time with a cough cold!. Most teachers will allow this but if yours does not ask if you can go get water!. You can also suck on hard candy or a cough drop this will help a little!. If your coughing is only at school and not other places you are probably allergic to something in the school!. Often schools have a lot of dust and dirt!. It is also possible that someones perfume or lotion could be making you cough!. If you think that is a possible politly have your seat changed!. Let your teacher know that is why and she/he might suggest to the whole class to be careful with what scents they were to school becuse it could effect others!. You can also do the typical cold or allergy medicines!. If nothing else seems to work talk to a doctor!. If the fits really bother you in class excuss yourself to the hallway until you are finished and then go back!. I often have this same kind of coughing fit except I am the teacher and it actually scares my students!. I follow the same advice I gave you!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

lxcKitty ,

I have two ideas that may be what could be causing Your cough-
ing !.!.

One , You may have what they call A Hiatle hernia (sp!?), that is in the
upper esophagus that when You sit it may push up on Your
hernia , and with in a few minutes , can cause this problem !.!.

This other , has to do with Anxiety that may start , do to sitting
in the middle , or front seats !.!.
Try a corner seat ; or one along a wall , Even a window seat can
help !.!.
Sitting so close to people ,this possibly can heighten Your
Anxiety , and can tense You up , causing this problem !.!.!., as
well , to whom You sit by !.!.

Unless there are some kinds of mold ; or asbestos ,dust
or some type of an allergy !.!.!., pollen , or cat hair (providing that
You may be sitting near some animal lover) !.!. WM !.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You seem to have a problem with a dry, ticklish or sensitive throat!.
Ask yourself - what happens when you cough!? Do your eyes stream!? Is there phlegm in your chest!?

A good cough suppressant is Pholcodine - it stops the urge to cough!.

But you need to find out WHY you are coughing!. It could be a number of things!. Do you only cough in the classroom!? Only that room!? Only at certain times of the year!? Do you cough when you are talking!? Or when you do or eat or drink certain things!?

Get medical attention, or try a cough mixture or lozenges containing pholcodine!.

Good luck!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

That use to happen to me too!. I think it was the girls hair spray that bothered me!. You know the hold to tease their hair up!. Well it was a bad look and big problem for me in the 80's!. I just changed seats!. People are really pretty accommodating!. Idk if that's your problem but it was embarrassing and it made my eye water awful!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

definitely try to bring a bottle of water with you if you are allowed!.

If it is only in that class it could be something about that classroom---something in the air, actually it could be bad or it could be something as simple as chalk or dust!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

Bring water, I used to get them all the time, the more you cough, the worse it gets, that's the only thing that stopped it was a lot of water!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I always have coughing fits in the middle of meetings at work!. I have learned to bring throat lozenges with me as I know I will have an attack!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

this sometimes happens to me what u should get it Halls Breeze berry couph drops they taste good and when u suck on them for a while ur throat clears up and u feel like there is a BREEZE inside ur throatWww@Answer-Health@Com

Bring a bottle of water to class and maybe even sneak some cough drops from time to time!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

bring a bottle of water to class and tell the techer that you need throught lozengers to use so you dnt get in troubleWww@Answer-Health@Com

stay home from school for a few days, drink water to keep your throat clear, and keep lots of candies/ cough drops on handWww@Answer-Health@Com

i have them to at school bringing a ******* bottle of water doesn't help i drank the whole bottle of water in one lesson!Www@Answer-Health@Com

bring a water bottle to classWww@Answer-Health@Com

keep halls in your mouth and drink plenty of waterWww@Answer-Health@Com

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