Doctors/Nurses/ anyone please help?!

Question: Doctors/Nurses/ anyone please help!?
Im so scared !. I feel like I can't live anymore!. I have this constant fear that something is wrong with me triggered by physical symptoms

Age 19 started feeling dizzy, light headed, pressure in chest, muscle spasms etc !.!. general feeling unwell was told I had an anxiety disorder after blood tests came back ok, urine tests and heart tests also ok!.!.!.

Age 22 now feel a little better due to xanax however recently got back pain I had a kidney infection the week before but was told it was gone yet still had back pain !.!.!. I went to A and E with this bad back pain and the doctor said my bloods were fine my WBC was up but nothing to be worried about, xrays were fine, urine tests were fine!. When he told me the back pain felt a little better but I still have it!.

I get blood tests every few months ( because Im so often at doctors feeling unwell and everything comes back ok except for the last 6mths !.!.!.I have slight anaemia and slightly High WBC !.!.!.my doctor said this is nothing to worry about but im so scared!.

I kept hearing these stories about people who get blood work back and its fine then find out they have cancer and 2mths to live!. Its so scary and the more i get physical symptoms the more I worry!.

Should I be worried about the anaemia and high WBC however slight it is!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

i think you should ask your dr to be referred o counselling!. i suffered form ealth related anxiey and still do at times, we know it's in our head at rational moments but at others it consumes you!.
You could be hit by a bus tomorrow then none of this would matter anyway , enjoy your life!Www@Answer-Health@Com

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