Why does drinking water make my skin so soft and more prone to cuts?!

Question: Why does drinking water make my skin so soft and more prone to cuts!?
i don't drink water much but when i decide to have a bottle or two!.!.my skin gets really soft after a while especially on my face, hands, neck, and shoulders!.!.this causes me to get cuts on my hands so easily if they just bang something!.!.and it causes the skin in my face to be able to move more!.!.like me cheeks and eye browsWww@Answer-Health@Com

The reason is "hydration!." Your body NEEDS water or else you will die!. You get some water through things like juice, soda, milk, and your foods, which is enough to prevent you from dying!.!.!.but that's pretty much it!. All the added benefits of water, including preventing other symptoms of dehydration like headaches, nausea, supple skin, and dizziness, require you to drink more!.

The fact that you are more prone to cuts isn't exactly the fault of water!. Without the water, your skin is dry and dead on top, so when you bump something, you can't get bloody cuts from your dead skin (same reason you can clip the skin next to the top of your toenail and not have it bleed)!. You get more cuts because your skin isn't covered in a layer of dry, cracked, deadness!.!.!.but you're PRONE to cuts because you aren't getting enough nutrition!. Water + proper nutrition = fewer cuts :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

water is really important for you don t take less more 2 cup of water and your skin very softWww@Answer-Health@Com

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