Is it wrong that I took a vicodin to help me sleep??? ?!

Question: Is it wrong that I took a vicodin to help me sleep!?!?!? !?
I was prescribed vicodin for my kidney stone, and i have a lot left over!. i've been taking them lately, because I sleep sooo much better!. I'm not taking them to get a "buzz" like some people do, which I don't understand, i"m just taking them before i go to sleep!. Is this harmful!?!?!?!? Www@Answer-Health@Com

just keep it at a safe doseWww@Answer-Health@Com

It is a REAL problem!.

You are flirting with addiction by using a pain killer as a sleep aid!.

Throw the rest away and use natural means to sleep!. Pain killers are for pain!. Sleep aids are for sleep!.

You can sign me, been-here-done-this if that helps!. I don't want to get a judgemental on you, but what is going to happen when you are out of vitamin-V and can't sleep!? Eventually it will take more and more to get you to sleep!. And VOILA! An addict is born!.

Lose it now -- just to be safe!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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