Is 8-8.5 hours of sleep dangerous for a 12 year old?!

Question: Is 8-8!.5 hours of sleep dangerous for a 12 year old!?
I've heard that you're meant to get 10 hours of sleep but I only get 8-8!.5 often less!. Is that harmful!? I only feel tired in the morning, not the rest of the day!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

No!. It is NOT dangerous!.

Actually, a 12 year old is perceived in many situations as an adult!.
1!.5 to 2 hours of sleep is not going to be that much of a difference!.
This also depends on your lifestyle!.

Generally speaking:

a newborn baby through almost 2 years old warrants almost 14 hours of sleep each day

From 2 - 5 children should receive about 13 - 11 hours of sleep (respectively)

From the age of 6 through 10, the recommended sleep is pretty steady ranging from almost 11 to 9 hours of sleep!.

Then, from 10 to 18 , the average sleep time is from 9 to 8 hours!.

You are at twelve so, you should be getting about nine hours of sleep!.

I think you're hitting it pretty good!.
Too much sleep and you'll be *overtired* :: this will make you sleepy all the time and more sleep will just make it worse ::Www@Answer-Health@Com

trust your body to know when you are tired!. if you dont feel sleepy then dont got to sleep!. i still am a teenager too but i go to sleep everyday after 12 or 1 am and i have done that for some time and am used to it!if you are anxious to sleep more try training yourself to sleep early ( a habit develops in 3 weeks! )!. try exercise etc but never some thing artificial like sleeping pills because they have a short term positive effect and long term negative effectWww@Answer-Health@Com

No, the normal amount of sleep is anywhere between 7-10 hours of sleep!. It depends a lot on what you do during the day!. If you have energy during the day you are fine!Www@Answer-Health@Com

No, you are meant to get 8hrs sleep!.
Any how can any amount of sleep be dangerous!?
If you were a 3yd old it would be different!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

no its not dangerous!. you should be getting at least 7 hours or more of sleep a night!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

you can get more and it wouldn't hurt!. but your fineWww@Answer-Health@Com

no 8 hours of sleep is fine man its plenty its what they reccomend!.!.!.your kool dudeWww@Answer-Health@Com

do not worrying!. sleeping make you tall!. he will becomes the next frodo bagginsWww@Answer-Health@Com

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