Help me fall asleep at night?!

Question: Help me fall asleep at night!?
at about nine try to fall asleep and i try to do everything!. i don't end up falling asleep until 2 am pls hep thanks!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

You can fall asleep easier if you do physical activities during the day such as sports, jogging, and even walking for about an hour to help you sleep!. I myself exercise during the day and listen to my favorite artists and bands while in bed and it's becoming a habit, but it helps me sleep!. Contemplate about the day that had just past and think about tomorrow and what you're going to do!. Make sure not to get too excited about anything because it can cause trouble for your sleep!. The best method to help you fall asleep, in my opinion, is exercise!. I go to the gym for more than an hour and when I return I night, I just want to sleep!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Try going to the closest pharmacy and purchasing medication to help you fall asleep, not perscription medicine, just over the counter!. I have the same problem every night and it frusterates me!. I use some stuff called melatonin and it works great for me, try finding it at a local store, another thing that might make it hard to fall asleep is not getting enough exercise!. I alwayse keep a little clip-on fan next to my bed and i point it at me and keep it at a low setting!. the quiet noise of the fan drowns out other noises and the wind in my face helps me fall asleep!. try getting one!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

You have a sleeping disorder which is common in about 35% of the population!. To much coffee, suger and other artificial additives!.

First thing you need to take a look at is your diet!. Changing the quality of foods you put into your body can Physically and emotionaly improve your overall well being!. Cut back on your sugar intake increase your B-vitamin intake!. Use a super b complex and one a day vitamin!. You will notice a change in about 1-2weeks after you start taking the vitamins!.

Be sure to take them in the morning B vitamins give you added energy!.

If this doesnt help there are treatments a doctor can administer that willl help!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Start winding down about an hour before sleeping: Music, reading, warm shower, cool temp!. Stay away from TV!. If you can't sleep after about 15-20 mins of trying, stop trying!.!.!. your body's not ready to sleep yet, listen to some music and chill!. Worrying about not being able to fall asleep will make the situation worse!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Smoke a bowl and have a snack, watch something dumb until you pass out!.!.!.!.!. ;D

If that doesn't work, try counting slowly to 100 in your head, visualize each number as you do it!.!.!.!.!.it always works for me!. I never make it to 100!. I think I did ONCE!. Then, I started backward from 100!.!.!.!.!.I didn't make it back to 1!.!.!.!.!. zzzzzzzz!.

Good luck!. <3Www@Answer-Health@Com

Close your eyes, imagine things you've done in the past or you want to do in the present, helps me alot!

You'll be asleep before you even know it, and i'm pretty sure it helps with dreaming cause i always have dreams when i do this!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Trying doing something exhausting then take a shower before you go to sleep!. Also make sure to stay away from the tv and computer at least an hour before you go to sleep!. They stimulate your brain and make it harder for you to sleep!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

i have da same problem ok look wat u have to do is take 3 advil pm ok at 8:30 p!.m!. and u will end up getting way sleepy by at nine u will be already sleeping like a baby i tell u for personal experiense!!!!!
u might wanna take 2 ok!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

1!. Watch TV
2!. Read
3!. Think about what you will do the next day!.
4!. Don't think about sleeping!.
5!. Listen to slow calm music!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

best thing to do is turn your favorite songs on while you go to sleep!. Make sure the volume is low and the songs aren't too intense!. Then just close your eyes and relax!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

take 10 deep breaths without trying to hard, and picture yourself on a warm sunny beach, and if you really need to warm up a cup of milk!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You could start by taking a sleeping pill for a week until your body gets used to the 9 pm sleep time!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Force yourself to wake up earlier and workout during the day!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

try waking up about 4 or 6 hours then you normaly do then sleep the next day at nine i hope this helpsWww@Answer-Health@Com

Try thinkin about a place you would like to b Www@Answer-Health@Com

count in your head or daydreamWww@Answer-Health@Com

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