What caused me to get sick?!

Question: What caused me to get sick!?
I haven't eaten much today, I kind of forgot!. I had a fourth of a waffle (it was burnt and yucky) then some gushers and a sandwich a few hours later!. I started feeling kind of sick and the thought of food was opposite of appetizing!. Then my head started hurting and I remembered I hadn't eaten hardly at all so I got a bowl of ice cream, thinking I was just low on calories!. I usually don't eat much in a day (I don't have an eating disorder, I just have things I'd rather do than eat) probably between 1,000-1,500 calories in a day (depending on my ice cream cravings)!. I know I was feeling sick by loss of food but why specifically!? Because I didn't have any food in my stomach or because I didn't have enough calories!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

A low blood-glucose level makes you feel sick!. The glucose level is related to the sugars/carbs in your system!. When you eat icecream or junk food the sugar is quickly absorbed and you'll feel better right away, but the feeling will come back again very quickly!. But if you eat something healthier like a sandwich, you'll feel better for a lot longer as the sugar/carb takes longer to digest!.
They say that the cause of morning sickness in pregnant women is due to low blodd/sugar levels after not eating for several hours!.
Oh and if you keep eating such small amounts of food and crap food, you might end up with big bald patches on your head (like I did)!. Your whole auto-immune system will start failing on you!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

i would say malnutrition maybe not necessarily starving yourself but not having enough nutrition in your diet and not enough calories!. if you're getting your calories off icecream which has a lot of calories that probably makes up almost all of what you're eating!. meaning you're getting your nutrition from icecream!.

i would try eating a balanced meal consistently and until you are well try taking a vitamin supplement!. nothing beats eating the vitamin au natural through fruits and veges and getting enough protein fiber as well!. you should be eating at least 2000 calories a day if you're not on a diet!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

the same thing happend to me the other day, i talked to my docter and she said it was because it was hot outside, and becuause i did alot of exercise that day i didnt hv enough energy, along with whats been floting in the air, the 24hr flew!.
and lack of sleep, and water!.
I usually eat less then what u eat in a day like at the most 900calories!. So i think it was because of the heat!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

when stomach acid hits the lining of your stomach (as opposed to food to break it down) over a few hours you start to feel sick - also if you were tired adrenalin would be in your empty stomach too which woul make you feel even worse!.

EAT GIRL !.!.!. EAT!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Often, if I don't eat enough, my head will hurt and that will make me nauseous (sp!?)!. Or it could just be your choice of foods!. Sounds like a lot of sugar and too much sugar can upset your stomach

Please someone help: http://answers!.yahoo!.com/question/index;!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

probably because you didn't have enough food in your stomach!. if you usually eat more than that a day, then that could have caused you to get sick!. usually low calorie intake results in fatigue and low energy!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Relatively, it could be anything!. You should really be asking your mom or dad or some other adult that knows you what could be the matter!. Do you have a fever!? There really is not enought info provided to tell what really is the problem!. Sorry I couldn't be of much help!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You should eat things besides junk food and carbohydrates!. Have fruits and vegetables and lean meats throughout the day!. Ice cream should be an occasional indulgence, not an everyday craving when you feel hungry!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

It might be that the things you ate didn't have much nutritional value!.!.!. you got calories, but not other important things!. Try eating some whole wheat bread, vegetables, fruit, or brown rice!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

your stomach has to digest stuff ona regular basis so just eat when hungry getting when u don't eat for quite a while u feel sick because it's a wake up call for u to eat and another thing is eat bigger breakfastWww@Answer-Health@Com

well it probably means lack of fluids!. drink lots of water and eat some salty crackers (lol my friends and i call them the magical cracers)

good luck!! cheers~!~Www@Answer-Health@Com

You had icecream, and maybe you're lactosintolerate!. I know I am!. Just ask your doctor!. Duh!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Use www!.WebMd!.comWww@Answer-Health@Com

Set a timerWww@Answer-Health@Com

ho humWww@Answer-Health@Com

not enough nutrientsWww@Answer-Health@Com

because you are eating a bunch of junk!.!.!.!.no nutritional valueWww@Answer-Health@Com

i don't think you feel sick because of not having enough food, i think you feel sick because of the kind of foods you ate!. the waffle probably did nothing but disturb you and your stomach, the gushers and ice cream probably didn't help, and the sandwich was the only good thing you ate!. when you're hungry, i hate to say it, but burnt waffles, gushers, and ice cream will not help, they will only make you worse!. i don't want to sound like a lecture but you rele do need a balanced diet and you probably did not get enough of the essential foods you need today!. the empty calories and sugar in gushers and ice cream will only make you crash and feel worse!. try eating some fruit or bread, it should help!. then again, you could just be coming down with something, are any of your friends or family members sick!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

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