There was a tick on my sisters arm!?!

Question: There was a tick on my sisters arm!!?
it was dark in colour and flattish!.!.
are ticks dangerous!?!?!? what kind is it!?!?
she doesn't know where it came from or when it attached to her, she was just getting undressed for her shower and noticed it
now i'm extremely paranoid, is there one on me!?!?!?

i do have a dog, he's not home right now!.!.!. he was this morning tho!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Deer ticks can be dangerous (Lyme disease), but I really wouldn't worry about it!. I used to live in Iowa and there were ticks EVERYWHERE!. It was hard to be outside for a half hour and not have one on you!. Just make sure you pull the tick out (including the head), burn it or put it down the drain!.

I have had a lot of ticks and never had any problems!. They were so bad out there we had to shave our dogs for the summer because one year one of the dogs had over 100 ticks on him!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

have your parents or some1 check EVERY where on your body (in ur hair), this sounds gross but check you "private parts" VERY well!. Ticks can be harmful, it probably can from ur dog or do u have any other animals (horses, lambs!?!)Www@Answer-Health@Com

um well you would probably know if you have one cause theyre usually big and she probably didnt have one for that long cause she would have noticed but ticks can carry lime disease!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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