Should smokers, alcoholics, obese, drug addicts be made to pay their own medical!

Question: Should smokers, alcoholics, obese, drug addicts be made to pay their own medical expenses!?
All these conditions are caused by weakness of mind and lack of self control and conscious decisions!. People with these conditions are a drain on society and contribute nothing in return!. Why should the state pay for their treatment!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Its a good quesion but!.!.!.
what about people who make conscious decisions to ride bikes, drive cars, hang glide, rock climb, travel to foreign lands and fly planes!? injuries and illnesses occur from those activites as well and they do it to themselves!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Some medications are known to increase weight!. Add to these other medications make people drowsy rendering them inactive!. Some post surgery treatment of cancer patients suddenly make then bloat up!.
I have been there and now with some changes in meds, I have lost some weight, but it is still difficult to return to when the charade started!. May be you should talk to the pharmaceutical researchers!.
What are you going to do with senior citizens who have dedicated their productive years for betterment of the society!? Check with your parents, grandparents etc!.
Do you know that some of the top ranking medical teaching/research universities are founded with endowments from tobbacco!?
Have compassion than attitude of a dictator !.Www@Answer-Health@Com

First of all, alcoholics, drug addicts and smokers all have an illness with addiction!.!.!.and yes the state should pay for their treatment!.!.!.and NO people who do those things are not a drain on society, YOU are a drain on society to even come up with a question like this!. And how can you say that they do nothing in return for society that is such a dumb statement!.!.Just because you smoke drink or do drug does not mean you do nothing in return to society, its not like people who smoke don't go to work or volunteer or donate!.!.you need to think before you speak!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

www!.oasas!.state!.ny!.us for some up to date info and links!. I disagree that serious addictions are a weakness of mind, because scientific research in recent years has proven it is a biological problem!. However, "High end users" who don't get "fixed" via traditional interventions can be extremely expensive to the taxpayer, and so the state of NY is looking at blending health, rehab services, and evidence based treatments to improve efficiency!. Once a human being is in recovery, they have skills and talents to offer!. We don't toss away people with diabetes, heart problems, or hearing loss, and we don't throw away addicted people, no matter how frustrating or infuriating drunks and addicts can be when they hurt those they love!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Excuse me, but I pay my own insurance!. And not all those conditions are caused by "weakness of mind" or "lack of self control"!. Ever seen a drug addicted baby!? Or how about a person who has a thyroid problem that causes uncontrollable weight gain!? I don't see how just because someone is a smoker they are a drain!. What about those people who save lives like doctors, nurses, EMT, social workers, etc that smoke!? I bet that if you were in a car wreck and a doctor who happened to smoke saved your life you won't consider them a drain!.

Don't judge unless your hands are clean!. I highly doubt you're perfect!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

People who don't use drugs, smoke, drink, etc, are still at risk for the same problems, It doesn't matter!. If it is genetic do you think they should have to pay for their own!? I would much rather pay for a smoker who has paid taxes than support some lazy person with 5 kids and no motivation to do anything, but mooch off of the government!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I pay extra in insurance because I am a smoker!. I contribute plenty as a member of our armed forces and to top it all off my doctor says I'm more in shape and healthier than many of his patients because I run everyday and eat healthy!. Insurance companies already charge more for ppl with these habits!. Do you think you should have to pay more if cancer is common in your family!? What about for people who don't use sunscreen or have allergies!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

I have been taken this medicine that has made me overweight, and its not my fault, so no I would like to see if Dr!. could come up with an alternative way for me to be healtyer, also my mother was an alcoholic and she almost died, I found her passed out when I was 5!. So I would give a million dollars if I had it to help other family's recover!. What has this country come to!? it use to be that if some fell we would help them, know its just get on your own because it was your fault!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

yes, they caused their condition!. They brought it upon their selves, they should pay for it!.

However, sometimes they are not in the condition to pay for it and need urgent help!. If they are willing to help themselves, but don't know how, i think it's ohkay for the state to pay!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Just because people have problems it does not mean they do not contribute!. Where do you stop with this!? Realistically anyone who chooses to eat fast food or buy processed foods from the supermarket are at risk of problems too!. Same with people who choose to regularly use chemicals in their homes!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Mental illness is a sign of weakness too, should they not have to pay for their medical care!? Nobody chooses to be mentally ill, or obese contrary to popular belief, their are a lot of medical reasons that may cause a person to be obese!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Compassion , help others
Do you think everyone is happy in life , and that all make the proper choices that you consider acceptable !?
I Know humans make a lot a lot of mistakes but its not only the one you mention , but the majority of humans!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

this is just my guess!.!.!.!.!.

cuz if they dont pay for they're own medication then there would probably be more crashes from drunk drivers!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. um the obese, drug and smokers things im guessing cuz they will all die from there stupidity!.!.!.!.!.i guess america wants to save more peoples life by making high taxes!?!?!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Wow, government could stop selling sigarettes, alcohol, drugs but could they prevent obese people!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

You will find the liberals will feel we need to support people like this unfortunately!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I just wish I could say what I'm thinking!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

cause they need help!? jk I dunnoWww@Answer-Health@Com

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