What ever happened to those cute nurse uniforms?!

Question: I remember as a kid I really wanted to be a nurse because I thought the uniforms were awesome. Now nurses all seem to wear "scrubs." These look like pajamas- very unattractive.

Answers: I remember as a kid I really wanted to be a nurse because I thought the uniforms were awesome. Now nurses all seem to wear "scrubs." These look like pajamas- very unattractive.

According to studies made, by changing the colors of the doctors and nurses uniforms to scrubs; it helps to allay the patients' anxieties re hospitals. The reasoning was that hospitals were associated with white ; pain; illnesses and death. . That's why even the curtains in most hospitals are in colors now.. Besides, the splatter of blood is easily visible in white. Whites also indicate sterility and are quite conservative. Scrubs are more practical, easy to maintain; do not need ironing and are cost effective.as more durable. Pretty colors can bring happinesss. and an upbeat attitude among the patients.

A lot of people have problems with white uniforms because nurses deal with bodily fluids all day and their uniforms get soiled. It is nearly impossible to keep them clean. The white uniform also has the angel image problem. It harks back to the time when nurses were thought of as spiritual characters who provide emotional comfort, not professionals who save lives.

When you are perceived as an angel, people don't have a problem asking you to work 15-hour shifts without a break.

Potential drawback on this:
In a lot of hospitals, nurses are being replaced with technicians to save money. Some hospitals require everyone to wear generic scrubs and forbid nurses to identify themselves as registered nurses.If they did, the patients and families would know just how few nurses there are on staff.

White uniforms do have the advantage of being distinctive, and obviously they would help patients identify nurses, given the profession's traditional association with the color. Moreover, some may see white as preferable to what the article describes as "pajamalike scrubs splattered with colorful flowers, images of SpongeBob SquarePants or candy canes," which may encourage people to regard nurses as something other than serious professionals. So the white uniforms can enhance or restore professionalism to this field.; however, it can prevent individual expression. Some scrubs are quite attractive and if you have an unflattering figure, it can hide a lot. They come in pretty standard sizes of Large- Medium and Small and are quite inexpensive. .White uniforms are much more expensive.

Nursing uniforms in colors or scrubs can actually be a factor in short-staffing and the shortage. It can improve the morale among nurses. Thus, the improved image of nurses makes for an increase in numbers of potential nurses. .

more practical and comfortable enabling the job to be performed better though. Id rather have a bland looking nurse who can perform better than a hot inhibited by a uniform nurse o.O

The profession has evolved. As a guy who happens to be a registered nurse, I'm glad that the profession has gone past that and to something that is actually functional.

Scrubs are awesome to wear. They are very comfortable and made of very durable material that can take a lot of abuse.

i dont think people become nurses to look good,
they do it to help people,
a nurse doesnt usually complain about not being able to impress the intensive care unit with her good looks and attractive outfits
the new uniforms are probably more practical.

Back then, nurses were more like a mindless robot that carried out doctor's orders without question.

If you want to know why nurses don't wear those clothes anymore, shadow a nurse, and see how many times you spill blood, spill urine or worse, have something thrown at you, have sexual advances made to you (all nurses are sluts, right?) or other nonsense.

Scrubs cover stains well, allow for freedom of movement (you run your butt off), and have modest covering. We are there to care for patients, not be a runway modle.

well there are male nurses now
and unless they are cross dressers it would pose a problem!!

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