Sex ed or abstinence?!

Question: My high school is going through a phase of debate on whether or not sex ed should be taught. and whether or not to provide 'protection' for some kids.... I'm not sure where I stand on this...
What do you think and why?

Answers: My high school is going through a phase of debate on whether or not sex ed should be taught. and whether or not to provide 'protection' for some kids.... I'm not sure where I stand on this...
What do you think and why?

sex ed... all it does is show you what to expect and what to look out for. i believe its better to educate than to say don't do it. cause kids are gonna do it no matter what and they might as well know what they're getting into and what they need to do to prevent disease and pregnancy. education is better than denial because sex is a natural thing and everyone deserves to know. then they can make more informed decisions. but thats just me

i prefer ear sex. its safer

sex ed

it does not matter how much you say to be abstinant... people will do it anyways

if your teaching them the problems and concequences that is the best you can get

also. since they will do it anyway.. giving protection at least makes it so they have the means of being as safe as they can

I think sex ed is better -that way at least when it's time to know about it they do. Otherwise people don't really know what's going on - In my opinion.

yes it need it

i am going to say abstinence. i am 16 but i think you should wait until your in colledge . I do not want to get pregnent or waste it on some guy who does not even care about me. I think it should be out of love and maturity not just hormones.

sex ed. as well as abstinence. kids need to know both sides.

I think it should be taught in all school, so that when the time comes the person is prepared and knows how to be safe. You cannot force someone who wants to have sex to not have sex, so i find that its better that they know all about it and how to be safe.

sex ed!!
w/o it kids might now know
important things about sex??

just seems pretty obvious to mee

Education is the key to everything.
Its better if the kids know the facts and how to protect themselves and have sex, than to not know how to protect themselves and have sex

Frankly everyone wants to have sex, its human nature im 13 and i want to. But serously unless you want this world to go round and ppl to be born into a health family, and not be a dumpster baby.
You got to wait till your married. i know it sounds gay but stopping ppl from having babys is going to screw up are population.

I think they should teach it earlier then high skool kids at my skool which is middle skool they mess aound all the time theres a pregnant girl at my skool in the 8th grade lol kindah messed up right?

Sex Ed
Dont kid Yourself
People are gonna start doing it eventually abstinence is almost non exsistant
"Better safe then stupid"

Abstinence education certainly has it's place, however abstinence ONLY education does not work. Abstinence education in conjunction with real sex education and availability of condoms does work to reduce the numbers of teen pregnancies and teen STD's, which in my opinion is what it's all about.

Teens are curious about sex. SOME teens will abstain, while others won't. The ones that don't abstain are the one's who will end up with an unwanted pregnancy or with and STD, or both. Proper education MAY produce more who abstain and will certainly produce more teens who will practice safe sex and reduce the numbers of pregnancies and STDs.

Sex is a biological urge, and societal taboos are not going to stop our nature. The school can either provide sex education and contraceptives or watch many of its students drop out to care for their new babies.

Sex Ed. Abstinence is not an effective way to prevent teenagers from having sex. It has been proven time and time again. I'm not going to get really deep into the issue but most people say that sex ed promotes sex or giving out condoms promotes sex. But it honestly doesn't. Kids see fire extinguishers all the rarely see a kid who goes " We have a fire extinguisher to put a fire out so lets start a fire because we can." So it is the same thing with passing out condoms. Adolescents need proper sex education. They need to be taught abstinence but they also need to be taught that if they don't choose to go down that path then there are ways to prevent pregnancy and disease. They should also stress the emotional/mental affects that sex can have on their young mind.

Studies show that children with abstinence only education, on average, have sex for the first time about 6 months after children with comprehensive sex ed. They also have higher rates of teen pregnancy and STDs.

This is because abstinence programs scare kids by telling them that contraception doesn't work. They use skewed statistics and utter lies (like the lie that all condoms have pores big enough to let HIV in), and the result is that they convince students that contraceptives are useless, leading to the higher pregnancy and STD rates.

Abstinence programs also offer no support for people who are gay, who do not want to get married, or who do not want to have kids when they get married. They teach people to be ashamed of sex and of their bodies.

The fact is that 99% of Americans have premarital sex. Schools should educate students on all options, including abstinence and contraceptives.

I'm a bus driver and my school teaches abstinence. the things i hear on my bus embarrass me. the kids are very aware of sex. teaching abstinence makes adults feel better they like to kids aren't having sex. they are. we need to teach responsible behavior. we need to arm them with information, not pretend that if we pontificate about abstinence kids won't have sex.

I believe that education is power and gives us the opportunity to respect others points of view.

As a parent I would much rather my kids be comfortable coming to me asking for help to prevent pregnancy or an STD than finding out that I am going to be a grandparent ... or that we need to make an emergency trip to the doctor to get an antibiotic.

Sex is a HUGE responsibility its sad that parents would want to protect their kids from understanding that concept ...

I believe that Sex Ed. is the better topic to teach in school. I believe this because its safer overall. Students are going to do what they want to do. You may be able to change a student mind in a sex ed class but on the other hand you may not so you might as well teach them ways to protect themselves from pregnancy and diseases.

The Largo Times (Largo, Florida) had an article on Sept 15, 2005 ("Religion may lead to Cultural Chaos"), a report on the article "Cross National Correlations of Quantifiable Societal Health under Popular Religiosity and Secularism in Prosperous Democracies" as printed in the strict, peer reviewed "Journal of Religion and Society", which made the following points:

Countries with early, explicit, and frank sexual education, like those in Scandinavia, have lower rates of teen pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, and sexual violence than countries such as the US and Portugal, where sex education is either lacking or restricted to older teens.

The more that the country is dominated by religion (US, many Third World countries), the worse its crime rate, as opposed to secular countries.

Additionally, my wife lived in Afghanistan and worked as a missionary before we met. Taliban controlled Afghanistan was a sexually repressed place...women dressed so that they could not be "imagined" and could be beaten for honoring a court order to appear in court...etc. Any mention of sex was a crime. My wife related to me how teen boys would FREQUENTLY start to approach her as if to assault her, and only by calling for help or saying "Don't you have a sister?" could she avoid sexual assault.

So...based on this...yes, your school SHOULD have sex should be frank, and it should be explicit.
The film "The Miracle of Life", required in medical and nursing schools throughout the country, should be a mandatory part of this sex ed. So should explicit education on the prevention, detection, and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases.

sex ed

they're gonna do it anyway might as well teach them the repercussions and keep them safe.

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