How do you stop hiccup?!

Question: My co worker has been hic cuping for the past hour! How do you stop it?

Answers: My co worker has been hic cuping for the past hour! How do you stop it?

Drink water

I know this sounds stupid, But it works.
Get a glass of water
tilt her head to the left
dink a sip of water
sollow little bits of water at a time as slow as she can.

Its really works

You're gonna laugh, but answer this out loud: Where do dolphins swim?
If you answer that out loud, it usually takes those hiccups right away.

Give a glass of water.

Take a deep breath and hold it - usually a minute or so will stop them.

ive been told hiccups are caused by your stomach is spasming. take a deep breath and push out your stomach as far as you can. hold your breath while doing it.

If you drink water upside down it will make the air in your stomac go up making you burp.

Another way is to hold your breath and when you hiccup it will make you burp letting the gas out of your tummy.

Drink a glass of water upside down over a sink. A for sure way to get rid of least for me.

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