Why do i bleed a wee bit after doing a number 2?!

Question: Probably a hemorrhoid, could also be a rectal fissure. Does your butt itch? If so, a hemorrhoid. If you have pain with the bowel movement, it's a good bet it's a fissure.

I suggest you see a physician, as there is a small but real chance that you have a cancer in your lower digestive tract. These are best dealt with early, as this is when they can be cured.

Now, if it is just hemorrhoids or a fissure, you need to make your stool easier to pass, and to do some things for comfort.

Fissures and hemorrhoids are usually a matter of straining too hard to pass stool. Make it softer by adding fiber to your diet, or taking psyillium [eg Metamucil]. You can also take medicine for this. Colace works well, as does mineral oil in small doses.

Often the biggest complaint with these is the feelling of itchiness and discomfort. The best thing for this is ordinary baby wipes, or a bidet.

Some folks speed up the healing by using a steroid cream. This also helps with any itchiness down there.

Answers: Probably a hemorrhoid, could also be a rectal fissure. Does your butt itch? If so, a hemorrhoid. If you have pain with the bowel movement, it's a good bet it's a fissure.

I suggest you see a physician, as there is a small but real chance that you have a cancer in your lower digestive tract. These are best dealt with early, as this is when they can be cured.

Now, if it is just hemorrhoids or a fissure, you need to make your stool easier to pass, and to do some things for comfort.

Fissures and hemorrhoids are usually a matter of straining too hard to pass stool. Make it softer by adding fiber to your diet, or taking psyillium [eg Metamucil]. You can also take medicine for this. Colace works well, as does mineral oil in small doses.

Often the biggest complaint with these is the feelling of itchiness and discomfort. The best thing for this is ordinary baby wipes, or a bidet.

Some folks speed up the healing by using a steroid cream. This also helps with any itchiness down there.

it sometimes happens to me , i think coz it comes out thick and dry =S

get it checked by a doctor

Probably a haemorrhoidal vein. I wouldn't worry. Don't strain so hard.

you may have piles but you should really get a gp to check if it is ongoing!

Perhaps you need to see a doctor as soon as possible. Please do...don't wait another day

if u blood on toilet paper u cld have a cut bum
or if drips then sounds like what they said.

If it only happens occasionally the most likely piles, if it is after every movement visit the Doctor.

if your stomach hurts sometimes when you have spicy fried or greasy food. you could have an ulcer

I went to the doctor about this once. they said not to worry, it was probably just a haemorrhoid which is a vein that sticks out a little bit and gets broken. You should still go to the doctor anyway though - your age and whether there is any family history of bowel disease could be factors they want to consider when making a diagnosis.

It could be a fisure where the tissue at the anis "tears" because your poo is to hard when you pass it. Try drinking more water during the course of the day and eating more fiber. (Even taking fiber pills will help). Also, buy baby wipes to wipe yourself instead of using toilet paper because they are wet and make it easier to clean off. Toilet paper will only make the tears worse.

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