Do you prefer a shower or a bath?!

Question: shower, bath takes too long and to me it seems less hygenic because you sit in your filth that you want to clean, unless you use the bath for relaxing only

Answers: shower, bath takes too long and to me it seems less hygenic because you sit in your filth that you want to clean, unless you use the bath for relaxing only

i love to bathe its more relaxing but i dont alway shaving the time


Shower, I HATE baths

Depends who I am taking it with.

Shower everyday and a bath when I am stress or tired.

A(hot) bath.

nice ole bubble bath

Shower, if you pee you aren't stuck swimming in it.

if i have a lot of time, bath, if i dont shower

Depends on my mood.
If I am in a hurry,the shower.
If I need to unwind,the bath

SHOWER! i like baths when i'm worn out but don't usually have time for them. i love showers cause it's a quick refresher and it feels good to be all clean.

Showers, they get you more clean.


a shower. . .It's more sanitary

Shower...easier, faster.


Shower - much faster


i prefer to take a shower


bath but i havent had one in months. ( i DO shower hahaha)

bathing iz more relaxing w/ kandles and the sound of the ocean
but i like showers better!

Take a bath
wash yourself
take a bath
show me what your scrubbin with

bath all the way. i've only showered like 15 times in my life's cleaner

i like to take a bath when i need to relax, but if i'm in a hurry then a shower

shower, because bathing is just being submerged in your own filth, unless you are just trying to relax then a bath would be better.

Shower makes me feel more cleaner, i would take a bath if i was stressed and to just relax.

Depends on the purpose...Baths are nice for relaxing and stress relief...But i cant imagine theyre good for gettint to clean as youre just swimming around in any dirt you wash off. Showers for getting clean, baths for relaxing

Shower I dislike the thought of washing with water that I've soak my bottom in.

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