Piercing Pain In Chest?!

Question: I am getting a very "sharp" piercing pain in my chest, if you went 2 inches from my left nipple towards my spine, that's where it feels like the pain is. The frequency with which it is occurring is increasing, it's about every 5 minutes now. I kind of freeze up when the pain happens, cause it is so extreme, it doesn't seem to be when I am exerting myself, it is just at random. For example I got it just while working on my computer at work earlier.

I am a 20 year old, otherwise healthy, male. Any idea whats wrong with me? I am going to see the doctor first thing tomorrow morning.

Answers: I am getting a very "sharp" piercing pain in my chest, if you went 2 inches from my left nipple towards my spine, that's where it feels like the pain is. The frequency with which it is occurring is increasing, it's about every 5 minutes now. I kind of freeze up when the pain happens, cause it is so extreme, it doesn't seem to be when I am exerting myself, it is just at random. For example I got it just while working on my computer at work earlier.

I am a 20 year old, otherwise healthy, male. Any idea whats wrong with me? I am going to see the doctor first thing tomorrow morning.

It sounds like it could be a number of things, for example maybe a pinched nerve. It could be a constriction in a blood vessel. Maybe when you are exerting yourself you are breathing more and have abetter rhythm, but when you are at your computer you aren't breathing enough. It's a good thing you are going to the DR. to get it checked out, maybe see more than one as some Dr.s can be wrong or miss something!

Good luck!

might be a pluracy a dry spot on your lung that hurts a lot


Go to the hospital. Never mess around when is comes to chest pain. You may have a congenital defect that you or your family are unaware of.

if it gets really bad..i would go to the ER.
that sounds pretty serious.

you have gas.........

I would go to the hospital.

good thing your going to the doctor but it sounds like you hurt your self some how did you fall or get hit hard?

I have it sometimes, and im 15. its not so sevre, but my mothers not worrying that much because she was a nurse. In your case, id check it out at the hospital because its either an infection or cancer(ugh).

I had pain on the left side of my chest also,, it still comes and goes..mine feels more like a soreness and is only sharp once in a great while,, I have gone to the doctor before and they try to tell me it's a sore muscle??? which doesn't sound right to me...I would say if whatever they tell you doesn't sound right to you ask for x-rays... because thats what Im going to do... I need to make an appointment.

i'm in high school...but it may be a pulled chest muscle. i'm very active and had the same thing happen to me when the cheer coach was being dumb and making us do all sorts of flips. I landed wrong and pulled a chest muscle! i went to the doctor...and he told me to sit out of cheer for a while. So...maybe that's whats wrong with you.

Of course you need to have this checked by a physician. When I had GERD or Acid Reflux, I had the same feelings. Sometimes it would feel like a serious cramp that went from my chest to my back. When the reflux got so bad, I could not even swallow and felt like I could not catch my breath. But, that came after a year later after having the chest pains. Mine got to bad I finally had to have surgery to get relieve. There are several good medications and (otc) for this.

It does not really sound like your heart unless your chest feels like it has a ton of bricks on it or your arm hurts too. But, I do not need to be giving medical advice. You definitely need to see a doctor right away. I am sure he will do an EKG and blood work to diagnose the problem. Please do not wait but get help now! lol

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