I want to do a detox. What products should I use? What should I eat?!

Question: I just went through a very stressful time and I need to detox intensively. I've seen some over the counter products but I'm not sure what to use. Does anyone have any tips or websites?

Answers: I just went through a very stressful time and I need to detox intensively. I've seen some over the counter products but I'm not sure what to use. Does anyone have any tips or websites?

I use Senna Tea, Jamaican Bush Cerasse Tea and Green Tea.

When I detox, I drink 1 cup of senna tea a day, 1 cup of cerasse a week, lots and lots of water, cups of green tea and I eat mostly berries and greens. I do this for a week.
Prepare for some weight loss, if you do this. Expect a loss of 7-12 lbs.

Be careful when using senna because it has a laxative effect. A restroom is crucial and should always be nearby! Try 1/2 a cup, every other day of senna to start and consult your doc. before using and/or detoxing. Everyone is built differently. But this usually works for me.

Senna Tea and Cerasse Tea are sold over the counter and are usually found in West Indian health food stores. These teas are widely used for cleansing and detoxing in West Indian and African and Eastern cultures.

Good Luck!

P.S. I'm fasting and detoxing as we speak :-)

kinoki foot strips

There are many herbal teas on the market today.Detoxing is cleaning out your complete system.This starts from the mouth and goes all they through each organ.Our most important organ of the body in the detox procedure is our liver which filters everything.If you get on the Internet and look up hepatitis,it will give you a list of all the different herbs that your body needs.These herbs are what makes up most behind the counter medicines today.With an added toxin they patten and market it.I would much rather go straight to the herb and be done with it.
Also check the books on herbs in the health food store.

As for foods.Lots of healthy fluids.Fluid is used to transport the old stuff and bring in the new.
Speaking of new,make sure you use a good Miltie vitamin and mineral with your well balanced meal.
Good Luck

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