Soothe a Sore Throat?!

Question: I felt a sore throat coming on, so doubled up on water drinking, and stopped eating/drinking sugar, but two weeks later, I still have it. Anyone know of something to make it go away quickly?

Answers: I felt a sore throat coming on, so doubled up on water drinking, and stopped eating/drinking sugar, but two weeks later, I still have it. Anyone know of something to make it go away quickly?

airborne is a medicine my b/f uses. i always drink orange juice and lots of water. drink hot tea, too! a nursing instruction told me that when you feel like you're getting sick, get in the shower...before you're done make it as hot as you can possibly stand it (opens up blood vessels) and then reallly quick switch to ice cold (closes em)...she says you get a natural high and it runs everthing through your system and you won't get hm doesn't make the best sense. anyhow, i do this. i don't feel the natural high, but i do it when i feel a cold coming on....haven't actually gotten a cold, though, yay.

Gargle warm salt water

lemon, honey, and cinammon powder mixed. it helps..

losenges, they help, have like 3 a day


If it's a cold, try ZICAM lozenges, or whatever Walgreens' / CVS's knock-off of it is. Colds have a hard time living in a zinc-rich environment.

You're asking for it - do you know how many 'a shot of penis-cillin' and 'i'll swab your throat' answers you're gonna get? lol. Maybe guys will be nicer to you than that since you are sick.

If you've had it that long you need to go see a doctor and get on an antibiotic.

An antibiotic would kill it overnight.

uhmm..yeah gargle salt water, and if that doesnt work, stop giving blowjobs! lol j/k but you are seriously gonna get some penis-cillin comments.

Gargling with warm salt water helps and so do Cepacol Lozenges or Throat Spray. Cepacol in both forms helps to deaden a sore throat and gargling with warm salt water eases the pain a little. Hot tea with lemon and honey are also good for a sore throat, but if you have had this for two weeks, you probably do need to go see a doctor and get some antibiotics before this sore throat develops into something worse.

I usually drink tea mixed with honey and lemon.

warm milk with honey

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